Dems eating their own

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After the SCOTUS ruled that "the right to bear arms" is an individual right, as opposed to the collective right it had been interpreted so far, I expect any (metaphorical) monkey to be able to carry a gun in the near future. Especially after the NRA is done with suing all the states with gun control laws/limitations.
Green Cactus-

None of your posts addressed any of my points. Nude has it right, if you have a counterargument, make it. If you disagree, tell us why. If you can't, admit it. Don't just change the subject. That's the problem, in my opinion, with most liberals that I know. If they don't like the subject of the argument, they change it or make personal attacks. This adds nothing to the public discourse.
For one, the book (or study) by Brook doesn't take into account the discrepancy in disposable incomes/cost of living between the two groups he was looking at. I believe that one (if I remember correctly) was urban/secular/liberal while the other one was rural/christian/conservative. That is a serious flaw in my opinion since he does indeed scale for income to strengthen his argument. Moreover, he looks at contributions to church as voluntary charity. That is an incorrect assumption - it becomes more like a "membership fee". Looking at two groups and speculating at the behavior as to which is better than the other is rather absurd -at least in my opinion. It's easy to draw conclusions - it's harder to draw the right ones.
Losing Webb is an unfortunate turn of events.

I was speaking in hyperbole when I stated that Obama was the most liberal member of the Senate. Certainly he was the most liberal of all the viable candidates and he was more liberal than my perfered choice of a certain junior senator from New York.

I guess it's time for the Blue Dogs to wander away and die. I've never felt more isolated and abandoned politically than I do exactly now.