Cypress Village (Planning Area 40)

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
26inirvine said:
Yes, that is correct.  My point was more stating that TIC doesn't want this.  They (although article more specifically states the City of Irvine)  fought against it and lost and therefore are being forced to build them somewhere.  So of course, they pick the area closest to the 5.
I guess TIC's pull and influence doesn't extend beyond the City of Irvine.  I do think they got a bit of a raw deal building so many housing units.  So it's safe to assume that most all of the new apartment developments will be affordable housing units. 
To meet the inclusionary mandate undesirable units among Irvine apartment communities are set aside for the "below the market rate" rental. Only a handful of renters knew about the policy otherwise the units are offered at market rate. The inferior units are next to a busy road, highway or location with noisy neighbors. The average Joe would not be able to tell where they are by blending the units among the general population to avoid Nimbyism.