Crash Proof Peter Schiff

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I thought these types would have learned their lesson after their insane predictions at the end of last year were proven wrong, and they also came off like buffoons for ridiculing Schiff, since many things he was warning about came true.
Liz.....BH not only means Beverly Hills, it's also synonymous with Big Hair (and she also needs to work on those roots). I know what you mean, I was completely mesmerized by the 'do.
<p>Her hair has actually "improved": See <a href=""></a> (esp. her videos on Foxnews)</p>

<p>BTW: She is still doing the "foreigners" will come and buy property spin. Why do people never get called on this BS? Foreign investor (rich people) do not come to the US to buy SFR in OC!!! They go and buy condos in NYC, west LA, or mansions in Malibu! In all my househunting, I have not seen a foreign investor looking at model homes.</p>

<p> </p>
I am sooooo sick of hearing that real estate is local - that is only part of the story and everyone wants to hang thier realtor hat on that one tiny piece of the puzzle.
<p>You are very root conscious today, Troop.</p>

<p>You inspired me to do mine.</p>

<p>Many years ago (20?), my firm did closings at a maybe 30 unit townhouse condominium. It wasn't in any particularly wonderful area, but an awful lot of the buyers were Canadian. I was told that there were many Canadians who lived in that particular area. This was before hurricane Andrew, and thus immense insurance costs, and before property taxes soared to outrageous amounts for non-homestead property.</p>

<p>That said neither Canadians, nor the Europeans who buy a pied-a-tierre in South Beach are gonna save Florida, or anywhere else either.</p>

<p>I-Commuter--I beg to disagree, on her picure in the About Me part, it (the hair) was slightly less obnoxious. </p>
"that is only part of the story and everyone wants to hang thier realtor hat on that one tiny piece of the puzzle."

I'm not surprised they are clinging to this and other talking points that, if you really look closer, are misleading (see <a href="">Yun's comparison of low home sales volumes to the idea that stock traders don't look at trading volume, only prices</a>) since the numbers and facts are so against them.
diversification is not that bad: on my other investment portfolio, I split everything in 10% chunks (to large cap, small cap, 2 foreign funds, several mutual funds) and my rate of return fluctuates from 10 to 20%. Not so bad from where I stand...
<p>yeah - north carolina is about it I think! It is the most amazing that these so. ca realtors are the ones spewing how local real estate is - if they really believed the local idea they should all be moving their business out of the state! </p>

<p>I'd be happy with 10-20%!</p>
My favorite is when she screams "ALL REAL ESTATE IS LOCAL" like a banshee.

Slightly funnier than her claiming she's not trying to benefit by selling something.
we have decided at this point based on everything we are reading to do a 50/50 split - half foreign, half u.s. Then within each half dividing down by cash/bonds, commodities, mutual funds and actual stocks. We will see how it works and it requires some moving around which of course the paperwork is always so much fun.
Ya know ... ya wanna be kind ... but, that lady, Connie De Groot is a moron. Plain and simple, just a moron.

<p>Connie DeGroot's "I'm not going to throw around any numbers, but real estate is going up in several parts of the country" is like Huckabee announcing at a press conference that he was not going to use a negative ad against Romney and then proceeded to show the ad right afterwards.</p>
<p>Lawyerliz. . .I still think De groot's hair is getting "better" (it is all relative) </p>

<p>BTW: I do not think that her forehead moved in the entire video. . . the miracle of botox.</p>

<p><a href=""></a></p>

<p>Another question: Who is crazier? Tom Adkins or Connie De Groot?</p>

<p><a href=""></a></p>

<p>Sorry but I cannot get the links to work. . .copy and paste.</p>
<p>This email with video was sent out by Europac today - the video is a little long but interesting - especially if you haven't read the book.</p>


<p>Dear Investor,</p>

<p>The link below will take you to a video interview that I taped a few months ago. Because of some internal problems, the video was never sent to you.</p>

<p><a shape="rect" href=""></a></p>

<p>Now, however, the video is especially relevant and important, as gold just breached the important $850 mark, and the short term dollar rally seems over. I expect to be sending you more video messages in the future, as the markets become more volatile, and more of my forecasts become reality.</p>

<p>Sincerely, </p>

<p>Peter Schiff

President and Chief Global Strategist

Euro Pacific Capital</p>