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I have not admitted a single case of vaccine induced myocarditis/heart failure since vaccinations started. But I have seen multiple deaths, cardiac emergencies, strokes, and blood clots all related to acute COVID infection.  Also, serious long term consequences of post-COVID infection is well documented. COVID vaccines work and offer the best protection against serious disease and death.
I just found out my neighbors (retired couple) went to a small Xmas gathering and every person who attended caught COVID.  2 of them died in the same week, including the husband of my neighbor couple.  I know my neighbor was not vaccinated.  I suspect most others who attended weren't either, just based on my "birds of a feather" observations.  He was a really good guy and this street really won't be the same without him.

We shouldn't ignore the big risks just because there are small risks to the alternatives.
Currently world wide there has been 5.7 million deaths related to covid.

Do you get the other vaccines besides the covid vaccine?

hpjet said:
Each person should make their own risk/benefit analysis.  Covid is 99%+ survivable at least for those younger than 85+ and for those without other comorbidities.  The vulnerable can be protected by having them vaccinated as often as necessary if they so choose.  (And sorry to hear about your neighbor Daedalus.  I agree that the vulnerable can be protected with vaccination every couple of months and hopefully with other measures that are now coming out.  Although I still believe it should be a personal choice with everyone looking at their own risk/benefit analysis.)

It is now known that you still can get Covid and transmit to others and protection wanes within 2-3 months even if vaccinated.  The "rare" vaccine side effects are not so rare if it happens to you or your children. reporting site data), site - type in covid-19 vaccine), anecdotal aggregate data)

Everyone should have a choice.  If you choose to get vaccinated and boosted every few months, then you are protected and you don't need to worry about others.  Others can choose not to get any further boosters if they feel that they don't need it.  But if you truly believe in the vaccines, then you should stay "up to date" and get yours as often as you need before the protection wanes or it is useless.  So if you are arguing against free choice on this matter then I hope you are considering getting your 4th booster soon (I am assuming of course that you got your 3rd shot already) OR you are being hypocritical.  In fact, I hope you are ready to take multiple shots per year because if you don't, you are no longer protected.

Let's let everyone make their own decisions instead of threatening them with their livelihoods (firing them from their job, how is this going to "help" them with their health?), throwing them out of universities, making them pay fines, taking them off the transplant list (death sentence), banning them from grocery stores, making students stand in front of the class by themselves and having the rest of the class shame them (this is happening in Germany), threatening to arrest them. If you want others to be protected and that's why you want them vaccinated, then let them earn a living so they can feed themselves (food is basic for health).