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Cornflakes said:SoCal said:Ready2Downsize said:I needed gas (because my better half ran it down to next to nothing, thanks for that)
Trust me, it's a guy thing. They seem to really love to let it run as close as possible to Empty before refilling. Like it's a challenge to their manhood to have to stop at the pump a moment too soon. Mine thinks if you go before it's Empty, it's a "wasted trip". This is how we're different. It's the story of my life.
Half a tank left = I'm feeling a little anxious.
The needle is on the picture of the gas can = I'm getting nervous.
3 ticks above Empty = I'm afraid to drive anywhere in case I run out.
If I tell Mr. SoCal: "Is the warning light on?" Me: "No." Him: "Then you've got PLENTY of time!" He then tells me *EXACTLY* how many miles the car is capable of going and reminds me how many it could go even if the fuel light was on. No matter where the needle is, he's got it all calculated down to gnat's ass.
Guys don't consider stuff like... what if something urgent came up and you had to make an unexpected trip? My friend's ex-husband did the same exact thing as mine does. Except one day her dad had a heart attack. When she got that dreaded phone call, they had to stop for gas en route to the hospital while her dad was on Life Support waiting for her to say her goodbyes!!! I always state this example when telling Mr. SoCal the importance of keeping it topped off. He thinks it's no biggie. Men. What are you gonna do. ?\_(?)_/?
Your post made me smile.As a guy, dutifully, I calculated that my car goes 400 miles on full tank. There is no reason to fill at 200 miles left in the car. Emergency trips like you mentioned could not be 200 miles long one way, unless you are driving to Phoenix, in which case you will need to fill up anyway. I tell my wife, every 200 mile fill up takes twice as much time as every 400 mile fill up out of my schedule and I much rather do dishes for you than spend time at gas station.
Of course I never win the argument.
Half full is ok but when I get in the car and it says I have 10 miles before I run out of gas, I'm not happy at all. It's not good for the car but it just makes me nervous having such a small amt left in case of an emergency. He's the one who should be nervous. He has enough trips to the emergency room to know we might need that gas.