Corrected Secured Tax Bill received today

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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I bought and closed a condo in June 2017. Today I received a corrected secured tax bill which includes the basic levy rate, and a couple CFDs. The first installment was due on Nov 1, 2017 and the second is due on Feb 1, 2018. I checked the oc tax bill website and the pay deadlines are 1/29/18 for the 1st and 4/10/18 for the 2nd.

A couple questions.
1. Why don't the due dates on the bill and the website match?
2. If I elected to have an impound account, can I just file this bill and not worry about it since mortgage company will pay?

Thanks for your help.

To answer your second question, sometimes the mortgage company will pay it and sometimes they won't.  Your best move would be to call them and find out if they plan to pay it.  Otherwise assume they won't until you hear differently.
I called today. Mortage company paid taxes but I think they got the wrong address/parcel number. So I should be receiving a credit for the taxes paid on the wrong property/parcel number and they should be making the property tax payment soon. Anyone have this experience on a new home purchase?
