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Forsythia is the cure!

Yes, I know that reference....

After that movie what's next to watch? We aren't yet at the point of "Soylent Green" but perhaps another Charlton Heston goodie "Omega Man" or even "Planet of the Apes"?

My personal choice would be "Children of Men" a great post-pandemic story.

My .02c
Kenkoko said:
Comparing us to Taiwan (where I am from), they had federal funding and planning long before COVID-19. Predetermined measures were put in place very quickly in Taiwan while we have a deadlocked central government that can?t get anything meaningful done.
Locally, cities in Taiwan have been routinely drilling for emergencies and have large public awareness education campaigns for years. The only drills we have is active shooter drills in school. Public health education, social pressure, and even just insane amount of infographic for dummies posted everywhere about the benefits of social distancing has allow them to achieve massive societal buy-ins to bend the curve. Even if you don?t care about everyone wearing masks here, it?s nice to not have people irrationally hoarding toilet paper and supplies.
Taiwan currently have 75 cases and 1 death despite being so close to China. They did it without instituting a lockdown which is impressive.  And will probably recover much quicker and suffer less economic destruction compared to us. We are stuck praying we don?t end up like Italy.  We are very likely looking at months of disruption in our lives and will face a deep recession.

Taiwan has 7 hospital beds per 1,000.
Taiwan has 23.8 million people and 47,000 physicians.

California has 1.8 to 1.9 hospital beds per 1,000.
California has 39.6 million people and 58,000 physicians.


(Welcome to Taiwan.  Hello Kitty maternity ward, hello kitty airplane, hello kitty airport terminal...)
daedalus said:
I mostly agree, except I do think Trump has a lot of blame to shoulder.

Like ceasing to wear a helmt because you've never needed one before.

Agree Trump has a lot of blame to shoulder.

I am definitely not a Trump apologist. But I agree with Andrew Yang that Donald Trump is not the cause of all of our problems. Dem are making a mistake by acting like he is.

Trump is a symptom of a disease that has been building up in our communities for years and decades. Hopefully, this pandemic made it clear to people that political game's real losers aren't either party but the communities politicians are meant to represent.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
@Mety - coronavirus is more lethal than the flu statistically especially for older people according to the article. The stats for coronavirus provided by Journal of the American Medical Association in the article.

We all know it's more lethal for people over 65. However, ANY disease is more lethal for elders not just Covid-19. So it's not really a WOW factor for me personally.*

Interesting thing is it's not effecting children as much. 0% for children under 9 according to the data Panda provided.

*Just staying on this side to counter what the most people believe.

If it is more lethal then why are you comparing to N1.

The number of people that get bitten by a rattle snake is lower than H1N1. But if you use the stats H1 is greater. But we all know without treatment a rattle snake bite is more deadlier.

That is where you and others argument is flawed and wrong.

Haha. I think rattle snake bite without treatment is much more dangerous than Covid-19 and H1N1 combined.

It's not just the numbers we're comparing but the whole situation around. H1N1 killed half million people worldwide. To me, that's huge. But what I find interesting is that when that happened, no one was hoarding or being lockdown and stuff. Not much media attention was going on like how it's happening now.

We're not saying Covid-19 is fake. Just seeing how people react different in different times is interesting to me at least.

But your not comparing apples to apples still.
I think your comparing a civic to a Ferarri.

Would you say a dog bite is lethal as a shark or mountain lion.
There are more reported dog bites than mountain lion and sharks. But the results are different. I rest my case.

Is Covid-19 a Ferrari while H1N1 is a Civic?

Soylent Green Is People said:
Forsythia is the cure!

Yes, I know that reference....

After that movie what's next to watch? We aren't yet at the point of "Soylent Green" but perhaps another Charlton Heston goodie "Omega Man" or even "Planet of the Apes"?

My personal choice would be "Children of Men" a great post-pandemic story.

My .02c

Planet of the Apes reboot (2nd one).

Containment (TV series)
And Bill Gates thinks we may be over reacting...

Bill Gates urges everyone to 'stay calm' during the coronavirus pandemic claiming some doomsday projections are 'too negative' and the crisis may only last six to 10 weeks in some countries
Mr Gates took part in an 'Ask Me Anything' session on COVID-19 on Reddit
He encouraged people to follow the 'shut down' approach to stop the spread
Mr Gates is known for his philanthropic work, including around global health
The Microsoft CEO said he worried about the economic effects of coronavirus
eyephone said:
Compressed-Village said:

The leaderships is completely complacent of the threats.

Bill and Melinda Gates foundations warn of this, believe it or not 5 years ago. That is a lot of time to prepare for the threats.

As of today, two US congressmen have the caronavirus.

Look at the response and readiness, this is a war. An invisible war and test kit not even available nor PPE. Lets not be sophisticated here, even the low tech is running low, while the whole focus was the stock market and stock price as a gauge for success. Well, that did not end so well. In facts it might put us on a depression path if we dont  steer this ship right.
irvinehomeowner said:
Sorry Ken, but it's difficult to compare Taiwan to the US... or even California.

Sure it?s difficult to just compare statistics.

But that?s not the main point tho. Nosuchreality was asking for the magic number that would shape/change people's opinions. That?s always going to be subjective.

We also don?t need any statistics or comparison to see what?s wrong here. We have many people not staying home, openly mock social distancing, cheering on poor public health behaviors, irrationally hoarding toilet paper and supplies etc etc.

I know Americans value our freedom. But freedom comes at a steep price in a time of crisis.

Compressed-Village said:
eyephone said:
Compressed-Village said:

The leaderships is completely complacent of the threats.

Bill and Melinda Gates foundations warn of this, believe it or not 5 years ago. That is a lot of time to prepare for the threats.

As of today, two US congressmen have the caronavirus.

Look at the response and readiness, this is a war. An invisible war and test kit not even available nor PPE. Lets not be sophisticated here, even the low tech is running low, while the whole focus was the stock market and stock price as a gauge for success. Well, that did not end so well. In facts it might put us on a depression path if we dont  steer this ship right.

Pelosi urges Trump to use emergency war powers
I'm not talking just about statistics.

I'mt talking about logistics, population, government control, demographics, topography, infrastructure, scale, culture, etc. All the same stuff that makes universal healthcare difficult.

You kind of got it in regards to "freedom", but there are way many other factors that makes comparing Taiwan to the US not apples-to-apples. Just the fact that Taiwan is an island makes it a different scenario.

People cite how China was able to lockdown everything and build temp hospitals but that didn't stop the spread.

It's going to happen, hopefully we can minimize how many it hits.
Rumor has it that gas stations are going to close for 48 hours soon.
To keep people at home.

Currently U.S. has surpassed South Korean in terms of confirmed cases.

South Korea - 8,565
United States - 11,274

My guess is that the real number for the U.S, if tested aggressively like South Korea is more like 246,210 which will 3x China's number at 81,155. I hope that I am wrong.
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm not talking just about statistics.

I'mt talking about logistics, population, government control, demographics, topography, infrastructure, scale, culture, etc. All the same stuff that makes universal healthcare difficult.

You kind of got it in regards to "freedom", but there are way many other factors that makes comparing Taiwan to the US not apples-to-apples. Just the fact that Taiwan is an island makes it a different scenario.

People cite how China was able to lockdown everything and build temp hospitals but that didn't stop the spread.

It's going to happen, hopefully we can minimize how many it hits.

The way China handled pre-lockdown was definitely horrific. They allowed it to become a pandemic. But to say the extreme measures they took after that didn't stop the spread is not accurate. Today China reported no new case of COVID-19, while Italy's death toll surpassed China for the first time today.

I agree the difference in logistics, population, government control, demographics, scale, etc matters. But the biggest factor stopping Universal healthcare is the will of the American people. Less than 60% of Americans believe healthcare is a human right.  95% + Taiwanese believe it is, therefore they have universal healthcare.

Same goes for this pandemic, more Taiwanese/S Koreans people take this seriously. More public buy-in = better results. Hopefully American people can put down our pride and learn from other countries' success.  It's smart to sacrifice some individual freedom for the greater good.
Kenkoko said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm not talking just about statistics.

I'mt talking about logistics, population, government control, demographics, topography, infrastructure, scale, culture, etc. All the same stuff that makes universal healthcare difficult.

You kind of got it in regards to "freedom", but there are way many other factors that makes comparing Taiwan to the US not apples-to-apples. Just the fact that Taiwan is an island makes it a different scenario.

People cite how China was able to lockdown everything and build temp hospitals but that didn't stop the spread.

It's going to happen, hopefully we can minimize how many it hits.

The way China handled pre-lockdown was definitely horrific. They allowed it to become a pandemic. But to say the extreme measures they took after that didn't stop the spread is not accurate. Today China reported no new case of COVID-19, while Italy's death toll surpassed China for the first time today.

I agree the difference in logistics, population, government control, demographics, scale, etc matters. But the biggest factor stopping Universal healthcare is the will of the American people. Less than 60% of Americans believe healthcare is a human right.  95% + Taiwanese believe it is, therefore they have universal healthcare.

Same goes for this pandemic, more Taiwanese/S Koreans people take this seriously. More public buy-in = better results. Hopefully American people can put down our pride and learn from other countries' success.  It's smart to sacrifice some individual freedom for the greater good.

Dude they (China) knew since November and they sent the doctor to jail/questioned and released because he talked about SARS like virus. They could of isolated that area.