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With imperfect information someone has to make a decision.
The virus is also mutating as we speak.

So what to do? 
Pick a path forward and stick to it until new information changes your decision.

Anyone who had to make the COVID19 policy decision was screwed either way. 
It was a choice between a shit sandwich and a turd burrito.

China is still eating that turd burrito even though they don't strange.
So you?re giving him a pass on his title? I looked at everything that came out of his mouth with skepticism. He even admits, he didn?t believe what he was saying. That seems rather dangerous don?t you think for any public official with that kind of power over peoples lives?  I think in retrospect, a lot of people feel lied to.
morekaos said:
So you?re giving him a pass on his title? I looked at everything that came out of his mouth with skepticism. He even admits, he didn?t believe what he was saying. That seems rather dangerous don?t you think for any public official with that kind of power over peoples lives?  I think in retrospect, a lot of people feel lied to.

You say Fauci even admits he didn't believe what he was saying, but in your story it is the White House deputy press secretary who relays this story.  Is this deputy press sec legit or is he trying to get in the news to sell more books?

You don't trust anyone, so why do you trust this dude? (Morgenstern)
This internet site rates the DAILY MAIL website as RIGHT biased and low on factual reporting.


If you keep letting extremist website rot your brain you'll end up killing your family.  Don't go down that path man...
Fauci?s been caught in more than one lie about what he believes and what he did. Not just in this statement but in his own statement about masks and then his testimony to Congress. It?s not a reach to know he?s lied about a lot more.
zubs said:
This internet site rates the DAILY MAIL website as RIGHT biased and low on factual reporting.


If you keep letting extremist website rot your brain you'll end up killing your family.  Don't go down that path man...

Unfortunately, I don?t believe any of the fact checker websites. Fauci?s lies can be checked publicly from multiple sources and multiple events. Don?t need just one guy selling a book.
COVID is over and you are still posting on this 407 page thread?
FAUCI lying about COVID is ranked like really low on my list of cares as we near the end of 2022.

Why is it still on your agenda?

Here is the post from the girl who's dad killed his family on 09.11.2022 after getting radicalized by sites like daily mail.

Yep. The internet ruined him.

Growing up, my parents were extremely loving and happy people. I always had a special bond with both my parents.

In 2020 after Trump lost, my dad started going down the Q rabbit hole. He kept reading conspiracy theories about the stolen election, Trump, vaccines, etc. He always said he wanted to keep us safe and healthy.

It kept getting worse and he verbally snapped at us a few times. Nothing physical though. He never got physical with anybody.

Well, at around 4 AM on September 11, he had an argument with my mother and he decided to take our guns and shoot her, my dog and my sister. My mother succumbed to her wounds and my sister is in the hospital right now.

My dad also fired back at the cops and they killed him.

I'm shocked and I don't even know what to say.

Fuck you, Qanon. I hope the FBI tightens its grip on you and that your lackies rot in prison (and hell) for poisoning so many people.

Step back from the edge.

irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
Unfortunately, I don?t believe any of the fact checker websites.

And therein lies the problem.

Yet you believe Daily Mail.

Credibility... here's the door.

What morelies means is that he doesn't believe in FACTS, only ALTERNATE FACTS coming out of Trump's mouth.
Imagine a vaccine that kills 1 in 100 people taking it.

morekaos said:
So now that it is a CDC guideline  has the ?science? changed?  Hmmm? turns out Sweet, sweet natural immunity was that all along.

The CDC (Finally) Admitted the Science on Natural Immunity. Why Did It Take so Long?

The CDC is late to the party on natural immunity, and many Americans have suffered because of it.
Upon releasing new pandemic guidelines last week, CDC epidemiologist Greta Massetti explained to reporters what many have been saying for more than a year: both vaccines and prior infection offer protection from severe symptomatic Covid.

?Both prior infection and vaccination confer some protection against severe illness,? Massetti told reporters. ?And so it really makes the most sense to not differentiate with our guidance or our recommendations based on vaccination status at this time.?

Because of this, the CDC?s new guidelines treat vaccinated and unvaccinated people the same.
AW said:
morekaos said:
AW said:

And you think Wikipedia is a reliable source of information?that?s a good one

Who said anything about Wikipedia being reliable.  From Wiki's own site "Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that anyone can edit".  Like anyone can edit.  But the fact that Wikipedia bans them is a good one.  ;D >:D ::)

The fact that Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that anyone can edit, BUT STILL decides to ban daily fail tells you how dishonest daily fail is. But moretroll is just too dumb to understand that.
So an unreliable site bans another website they think is unreliable?double negative?.interesting but pointless?and a good one. ;D ;D >:D