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morekaos said:
eyephone said:
You called me off the wall wacky

Look back when I called you out for your  ?off the walk accusations??you keep trying to make yourself the object but you?re just a preposition. ;D ;D >:D

it is true you want my identity and credentials, you want my web history to see if I watch fox news. (you can say this and that) But dont call me names.
Some positive news about vaccine effectiveness (and vaccine mandate effectiveness):

A companywide vaccine mandate appears to have ended a grim weekly event at United Airlines ? the death of an employee from Covid-19, the carrier?s top executive said Tuesday.

While there are 3,000 United workers now infected with the virus, "zero of our vaccinated employees are currently hospitalized," CEO Scott Kirby said in an open letter to the workforce.

The airline chief painted a stark picture of the deadly toll Covid-19 has taken on his company.

"Prior to our vaccine requirement, tragically, more than one United employee on average *per week* was dying from COVID," Kirby wrote.

"But we?ve now gone eight straight weeks with zero COVID-related deaths among our vaccinated employees ? based on United?s prior experience and the nationwide data related to COVID fatalities among the unvaccinated, that means there are approximately 8-10 United employees who are alive today because of our vaccine requirement."

True or not, hospitalization data also shows that the higher percentage of cases are unvaccinated.
zubs said:
The top US pandemic doctor Fauci says get vaccinated and wear a mask
This should be the end of the argument, but covid deniers will find any reason to go against this advice.
You can find any reason you want to justify your shitty behavior.

I prefer to listen to the USA's top expert.

If he's not the top expert kick him off.....but WAIT! he's still there? ???
Why do we pay him $500,000/year and then not listen to him!?

Well...not a lot of people agree with that now...

Only 31 percent of Americans trust Fauci's COVID advice, poll shows

A new poll revealed the challenges facing the Biden administration on Thursday, showing that only 31 percent of Americans see Dr. Anthony Fauci as a trustworthy source of COVID-19 information and just 45 percent approve of President Joe Biden's pandemic response.

Biden has seen public support plunge during the past year as successive waves of COVID variants have upended his campaign promise to beat the virus.

On Thursday he delivered an update on his response, but the NewsNation poll, conducted by Decision Desk HQ, reveals a country that distrusts him and his senior advisers.

When asked who they trusted to provide information about COVID-19 only 30.8 percent said Fauci, Biden's chief medical adviser, and 15.5 percent said Biden himself.
Where was this poll? I didn't take it. Oh wait....

? Provided by Daily Mail

No wonder morekaos is aware of this.

It also says this:

Respondents said they trusted their doctor and federal agencies, but not Fauci, Biden or the news media when it came to information about COVID-19

And what are most of our doctors and federal agencies saying?

Get vaccinated and wear a mask.

morekaos foiled again.
irvinehomeowner said:
Where was this poll? I didn't take it. Oh wait....

? Provided by Daily Mail

No wonder morekaos is aware of this.

It also says this:

Respondents said they trusted their doctor and federal agencies, but not Fauci, Biden or the news media when it came to information about COVID-19

And what are most of our doctors and federal agencies saying?

Get vaccinated and wear a mask.

morekaos foiled again.

Gotta stop shooting the messenger just because you don?t like his accent?,

Read the full report: NewsNation?s survey about COVID-19*YW1wLXVfeVREM1NaRTZrWDFkX1FKTkhjRWc.
And from that same poll (bold comments mine):

Question 1: Thinking about issues facing the country today, how concerned are you about the COVID-19 pandemic? (margin of error: 3%)

Not at all concerned: 6.9%
Not too concerned: 13.2%
Somewhat concerned: 34.2%
Very concerned: 45.6%

So almost 80% concerned

Question 2: Overall, how do you feel about current restrictions around COVID-19? (margin of error: 3%)

About right: 28.3%
Not strict enough: 43.7%
Too strict: 27.9%

Over 70% about right or not strict enough

Question 3: Given recent developments with the omicron variant of the virus, how concerned are you about future variants? (margin of error: 3%)

Not at all concerned: 7.8%
Not too concerned: 13.2%
Somewhat concerned: 36.1%
Very concerned: 42.7%

Almost 80% concerned

Question 4: Do you know a family member or close friend who has been hospitalized or died from COVID-19? (margin of error: 3.1%)

No: 51.2%
Prefer not to say: 0.7%
Yes: 48%

Almost 50%

Question 5: How often do you wear masks when outside your home? (margin of error: 3%)

Always: 45.6%
Most of the time: 21.3%
Never: 11.3%
Some of the time: 21.6%

Over 85% wear masks some, most or all of the time

All different from morekaos' experience.

You are the outlier... not us.
irvinehomeowner said:
And from that same poll (bold comments mine):

Question 1: Thinking about issues facing the country today, how concerned are you about the COVID-19 pandemic? (margin of error: 3%)

Not at all concerned: 6.9%
Not too concerned: 13.2%
Somewhat concerned: 34.2%
Very concerned: 45.6%

So almost 55% not very concerned

Question 2: Overall, how do you feel about current restrictions around COVID-19? (margin of error: 3%)

About right: 28.3%
Not strict enough: 43.7%
Too strict: 27.9%

Over 55% too strict or about right

Question 3: Given recent developments with the omicron variant of the virus, how concerned are you about future variants? (margin of error: 3%)

Not at all concerned: 7.8%
Not too concerned: 13.2%
Somewhat concerned: 36.1%
Very concerned: 42.7%

Almost 57% not very concerned

Question 4: Do you know a family member or close friend who has been hospitalized or died from COVID-19? (margin of error: 3.1%)

No: 51.2%
Prefer not to say: 0.7%
Yes: 48%

Over 50% don?t know a soul

Question 5: How often do you wear masks when outside your home? (margin of error: 3%)

Always: 45.6%
Most of the time: 21.3%
Never: 11.3%
Some of the time: 21.6%

Over a third don?t really wear or are lying to a pollster so the don?t look bad

All roughly the same from morekaos' experience

You are the outlier... not us.
Wow... so dishonest... most of your experience is the minority answers because you would say things like "not at all concerned"... now it's "not very concerned"?

And now you say the ones that don't agree with your experience are "lying".

And still your misalignments skew only in the 50 percentile... where it's actually the majority on the other side.

Must be nice to live in a world of thought distortions.
irvinehomeowner said:
Wow... so dishonest... most of your experience is the minority answers because you would say things like "not at all concerned"... now it's "not very concerned"?

And now you say the ones that don't agree with your experience are "lying".

Must be nice to live in a world of thought distortions.

Like all statistics?they can say whatever you want them to say. Covid has proven that.
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Wow... so dishonest... most of your experience is the minority answers because you would say things like "not at all concerned"... now it's "not very concerned"?

And now you say the ones that don't agree with your experience are "lying".

Must be nice to live in a world of thought distortions.

Like all statistics?they can say whatever you want them to say. Covid has proven that.

So then what's the point of posting poll statistics?

Oh that's right... you admitted to purposely trolling here.

Please stay out of this thread with your lies then.
Oh... and I apologize... morekaos isn't posting misinformation, he's posting disinformation:

Misinformation is false information shared by people who do not intend to mislead others.

Disinformation is false information deliberately created and disseminated with malicious intent.

Both types can affect vaccine confidence and vaccination rates. Most misinformation and disinformation that has circulated about COVID-19 vaccines has focused on vaccine development, safety, and effectiveness, as well as COVID-19 denialism.

I think akula is borderline between misinformation and disinformation.
CogNeuroSci said:
[quote author=morekaos
Gotta stop shooting the messenger just because you don?t like his accent?,

So you DO support Fauci!

Fauci is no messenger..he?s a politician, so yah?I don?t trust him.
Here is what I mean by two interpretations?the panic porn has created two types..IHO?and me.  The first article is IHO?the second MK?

The Agony of Parents With Kids Under 5

It is the awful feeling that the world has moved on. The White House blithely anticipates a ?winter of death? and suffering for the unvaccinated, but, well, that?s their own fault, isn?t it! If you?re fully vaxxed, which you of course could be, omicron will be a sniffle and a five-day reality TV binge! The Atlantic writes of reasonable people saying they?re ?vaxxed and done,? people who reasonably say ?COVID is becoming something like the seasonal flu for most people who keep up with their shots,? as if everyone has the option of shots to keep up with.

I want to scream. If I can scream, for a second? The pandemic is not fucking over, because children under 5 cannot get fucking vaccinated.

Bringing Sanity to the Omicron Chaos

But two weeks and some 650 days into ?flattening the curve,? I?m done. I don?t care what cable news is blaring on about these days: In this house, Covid is over. On New Year?s Eve, do you know who we hosted? Two beloved friends who were positive for Omicron and stuck at home alone with mild colds. I feel great about that decision. (And I?m still negative.)

But I?m out of step with my city. When I am asked to show my vaccine card at a bar?even though that says nothing about whether or not I?m actively transmitting Covid?I want to laugh. When I eat at a restaurant where the diners are unmasked but the staff are forced to don stormtrooper headgear and gloves, I wonder if people realize what this looks like. Or when friends ask me to swab my nose so we can hang out, well, I?ll do it only because I try to be polite.