Joe Irvine
New member
eyephone said:Is someone sour?
Sour? Nah, not so much. I'm mostly just sarcastically amusing myself with how goofy our city has become.

One of my recent favorites is Measure V. Yeah, this is exactly what we need - more audits, more litigation, more time, more money.... There are already plenty of procedures in-place. And, there are already very clearly defined actions to be taken if procedures are not adhered to. What do we gain from this other than Lalloway/Choi being able to say, "See, we fix things". lol
And yes, I read Ellzey's deposition. All I've got to say is, what a wimp! "Oh no, this little 68-year-old man really scares me." lol Dude, grow a pair already. BTW, is this guy a total fraud, or what? What do you guys think about Ellzey? When I first started meeting with him, I genuinely liked him. However, the more I've learned about him, the more I'm convinced he's a fraud.