Coming up on 1 Year Warranty in new build in GP - What should I ask for?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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Hey Guys,

Anything I should have my builder look at for my last two weeks in my one year warranty?    Stucco cracks,  basic maintenance but I don't know what else to ask?
FranchisePlr said:
Hey Guys,

Anything I should have my builder look at for my last two weeks in my one year warranty?    Stucco cracks,  basic maintenance but I don't know what else to ask?

You can have an inspector come out and do any inspection for you and then you can submit the inspection report to the builder.  That's what a lot of my new home buyers do after they have lived in the home for about 11 months. 
Thanks USC!  Do you have any referrals?  ;)

USCTrojanCPA said:
FranchisePlr said:
Hey Guys,

Anything I should have my builder look at for my last two weeks in my one year warranty?    Stucco cracks,  basic maintenance but I don't know what else to ask?

You can have an inspector come out and do any inspection for you and then you can submit the inspection report to the builder.  That's what a lot of my new home buyers do after they have lived in the home for about 11 months.
Do they do an inspection before they moved in?

USCTrojanCPA said:
FranchisePlr said:
Hey Guys,

Anything I should have my builder look at for my last two weeks in my one year warranty?    Stucco cracks,  basic maintenance but I don't know what else to ask?

You can have an inspector come out and do any inspection for you and then you can submit the inspection report to the builder.  That's what a lot of my new home buyers do after they have lived in the home for about 11 months.
gld2 said:
Do they do an inspection before they moved in?

I had Steve at Bilt Rite inspect pre-drywall and pre-close. I didn't have him inspect at  11 months, but our builder has been helping us out with minor fixes even after the 1 yr mark.

Steve is on the recommended list on TI, believe USC also uses him.
akkord said:
gld2 said:
Do they do an inspection before they moved in?

I had Steve at Bilt Rite inspect pre-drywall and pre-close. I didn't have him inspect at  11 months, but our builder has been helping us out with minor fixes even after the 1 yr mark.

Steve is on the recommended list on TI, believe USC also uses him.

Yup, I gave the OP Steve's contact info.