Columbus Square is attractive...

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WHEW! *wipe brow* We are NOT crazy. Glad it's not just my wife and I that think The District was one of the worst layouts we've ever seen.

How was that possible? We were looking forward to The District. Spectrum got it right, Fashion Island got it right, Downtown Disney got it right, I was dumbfounded after they built The District and they had a small "pedestrian" village type setup (good idea) and then all these stores scattered all over the place too far to walk to from any other store (horrible idea) and that ridiculous in/out from Costco gas and the traffic cop they need during busy hours, the backup on the main streets...I mean, it was obvious the whole design was a cluster.

My sanity confirmed once again. Gracias.
irvinehomeowner said:
IndieDev... you're exaggerating... there is no such thing as a "short line" at 85?.  :D

But I'm not going to give DJ a free pass... parking there is atrocious on Friday/Saturday nights... one time I drove all the way to the top of what they call a "parking structure", only to drive all the way back down again and still find no parking.

I usually go to 85 degrees after Church on Sunday, around 1PM or so, and the "drink line only", not the pastry line, is always fairly short. On a Friday or Saturday night I'm usually hanging out with my baby daughter, I'm not cool enough to hang out late at DJ Plaza anymore.