Climate Change - Absolute Zero UK Plan

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Absolute zero (zero emissions) plan by UK colleges and other partners:.  Take a look at their multi-colored timeline chart.  Governments around the world have already begun implementing some of these action plans.  (Scroll to the middle of the page for the timeline chart ->
Goal:  Closing all regional airports by 2030
(All remaining airports close by 2050)
"French lawmakers have moved to ban short-haul internal flights where train alternatives exist, in a bid to reduce carbon emissions."

Goal:  End of gas engins by 2030 (All new cars are electric by 2030 - 2049 and road use at 60% of 2020 level by 2050)
"California regulators agreed to ban the sale of new gasoline-fueled cars by 2035"

Goal:  Replace gas boilers (for heating) with heat pumps by 2030 (Fossil Fuels completely phased out by 2030-2049 and heating powered on 60% of 2020 level)
"A state board has voted to phase out gas-fueled furnaces and water heaters in California in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint and cut down on pollution. Starting in 2030, all new furnaces and water heaters will have to be electric."

Goal:  Growth in domestic and international rail as substitutes for airplane rides and low occupancy car travel by 2030  (Electric trains as preferred mode of travel by people and freight over long distances by 2050)
"As Biden Pushes Major Rail Investments, Amtrak's 2035 Map Has People Talking"

Goal:  Consumption of beef and lamb reduced by 50% by 2030 (Beef and lamb completely phased out along with any imports not transported by train by 2030-2049)
"How can the UK reduce meat consumption and cut emissions?"  Through meat tax, eco-label on meat, removing meat from impulse buy shelves, restaurants offer less meat, etc.

More info on Absolute Zero UK Fires twitter