Clara and Glara loitering and leaving garbage flyers on our doorstep

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Has anyone been successful in banishing RE agents from leaving garbage flyers on your doorstep twice a week? I am looking at you, Clara and Glara and Veronica. Surely, this is against the law.
Tbharvey said:
Has anyone been successful in banishing RE agents from leaving garbage flyers on your doorstep twice a week? I am looking at you, Clara and Glara and Veronica. Surely, this is against the law.

Is it? If it is why don't you report it?
I am pretty sure loitering is against some city ordinance. If you see them hanging around, call the police to have them deported to Santa Ana.
Those are annoying but at least they show recent sales in the area.  Somewhat useful.  im way more annoyed by the ashley furniture ads that's left outside our garage EVERY single week since we moved!
Wow, good thing I don't do those garbage flyers.  Worst yet are those poorly written letters from realtors trolling for listings saying that they have a buyer for my home....yeah OK sure you do.  haha
Worse yet are those who try to swindle their sellers into listing for waaaaay below market and then brag that their listings get multiple offers.
Don't know about the OH Pavillions, but the RSM Pavillions shopping carts have a realtor on the front basket, another on the back of the main basket, and still another on the front of the cart. There's another realtor on the check out divider. Got to hand it to the advertising manager for those stores, being able to talk 4 different agents to oversaturate as "the Go To area expert".

Peak market 2007, the number of realtor ads in the mail box and dumped on our front door averaged out to one flyer every 2 hours of each day of the week. When we get to that point in 2017-2018, you'll know the number of realtors in the biz is going to face an imminent cull.

My .02c

Soylent Green is People.
Licensed, but non practicing Realtor
Mortgage Lender
Head Chef, The Soylent Corporation
Zippohunter said:
Worse yet are those who try to swindle their sellers into listing for waaaaay below market and then brag that their listings get multiple offers.

Is this a shot to a fellow poster?
tdg said:
Those are annoying but at least they show recent sales in the area.  Somewhat useful.  im way more annoyed by the ashley furniture ads that's left outside our garage EVERY single week since we moved!

THIS. Doesn't idiot Ashley furniture know that paper flyers are a waste of marketing? no one looks at them anymore, they just toss it in the recycler. Or some of our neighbors love leaving it collecting on their driveway until the paper gets wet, stuck in the gutter water stream and makes a huge mess of shriveled paper in front of their house. Pick up your flyers people. 
I do like the flyers that show recent sales and how much homes are going for.

Sure, I can use Redfin for that but too many mouse clicks.

As for those letters... sometimes those are legit. We were looking in a specific tract and IR2 sent out letters for us. We got one hit but he wanted more than market.