
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
irvinehomeowner said:
So wait, where is the part where Rizdak was getting personal?

According to that thread, he was the first one you blanked and it seemed only because he was disagreeing with you. Or did I read that wrong?

And then you blanked out CV but because you were insulting veterans (which I assume he is) and then he got offended? It's hard to tell because many of your posts in that thread are edited after the fact so who knows what kind of BTB inflammatory remarks you were making.

I've been threatened with physical violence on this forum (I think by the same poster who parking lot challenged another member that he thought was female) and it didn't phase me.

Get some thicker skin grasshopper!! Especially if you are going to call them out in posts like you did today... that's so weak... maybe you aren't YF/MJ/GMX... they wouldn't run.

Parking lot challenge excepted. First person to park in a spot at the front row at DJ wins.
Crap... I thought this was going to be a debate between Jollibe and Yang?s Braised Chicken fans. But NO!

Am I the only one who thinks IHO and BTB sound like a married couple? Solution is simple. Get a room - kiss and makeup and everyone lives happily ever after. Lost my appetite just thinking about it 🙁

PS the wife is always right so let us know how it turns out,
DrTravel said:
Crap... I thought this was going to be a debate between Jollibe and Yang?s Braised Chicken fans. But NO!

Am I the only one who thinks IHO and BTB sound like a married couple? Solution is simple. Get a room - kiss and makeup and everyone lives happily ever after. Lost my appetite just thinking about it 🙁

PS the wife is always right so let us know how it turns out,

I will never look at my chicken the same way ever again.
Burn That Belly said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So wait, where is the part where Rizdak was getting personal?

According to that thread, he was the first one you blanked and it seemed only because he was disagreeing with you. Or did I read that wrong?

And then you blanked out CV but because you were insulting veterans (which I assume he is) and then he got offended? It's hard to tell because many of your posts in that thread are edited after the fact so who knows what kind of BTB inflammatory remarks you were making.

I've been threatened with physical violence on this forum (I think by the same poster who parking lot challenged another member that he thought was female) and it didn't phase me.

Get some thicker skin grasshopper!! Especially if you are going to call them out in posts like you did today... that's so weak... maybe you aren't YF/MJ/GMX... they wouldn't run.

Rizdak was just annoying. That's all.  :D

CV went on the offensive first. The whole 'No on B thread' was not about CV. He took it upon himself to make it personal. I didn't edit anything that would show I attacked him. He just got pissed off too fast. It was #VillageWar and his village was burning.

He's free to preach about the trash gravy with EW. I don't give AF. That doesn't mean I'm going to threaten PTSD on a guy. Come on. I'm better than that. We in the 92620 hood baby. Classy not trashy. Ya feel me boy?

I didn't insult no veteran(s). I insulted a man who had a temper tantrum. Anybody on the internet can claim they are "this" or "that". I treat everybody equally as a human (not a higher being or God), and don't take anything they say at face value.

The true veterans have spoken with Measure B. Or are we going to claim lies and a rigged election?

Funny the guy who cries foul about getting "personal" is the one who has posted about "Japs", "n1ggers", and now "true veterans." I don't care where BTB lives, I assume everyone on this board chose their neighborhood for a reason. To each their own. Whether you live in TIC or GP or anywhere else... cheers to what makes you happy.

What I find most childish about Yellow Belly is his constant tone of intolerance and division. He lives in EW, therefore he believes all other neighborhoods MUST be inferior. He voted against Measure B, therefore Veterans who voted for it are not "true" veterans.

I don't even live in GP. Just tired of the petty, constant demagoguery from someone who posts for the sake of hearing himself talk, rather than contributing to an actual dialogue.
I agree.  It's sad that not many people call out the posters who use the initials FCB as a way to spew racist thoughts.  I understand while reading forums that people are sarcastic but a poster hates the GP and makes fun of FCBs on an hourly basis.  It takes over the forum and makes it difficult for the people who don't post hourly to enjoy.
i1 said:
BTB, as founding member of Team A, why don't you try an experiment?

Get a broker to list your Delano on MLS. Price it 5-10% below the builder's price or your value estimate to create an auction environment. In the middle of prime selling season, with very few new Delano's left (and EW's low MR being riff-raff friendly - sorry), you should get plenty of offers above ask. Report to TI on the highest bid so we can judge whether Delano appreciation is real or fake. My guess is it's going to be a lot less than whatever you think it is.

Had a few minutes to spare so I dug up the Eastwood re-sales chart below. A = Active, P = Pending, S = Sold, X = expired. Not that familiar with Eastwood hoods but if you're interested you can check some of the sales out to see what re-salers are making or losing.


I agree with Rizdak.

Mainly because BTB likes to poke everyone and then when posters oppose him, he ?silences? them.

I can?t respect that kind of behavior. It was tolerable until then. And now he keeps ranting about IHS and ROI, it?s akin to ?I know you are but what am I? and that type of discourse has little value.

I should have known not to get into any convo with him but some of the things he?s spamming need some different perspectives.

irvinehomeowner said:
I agree with Rizdak.

Mainly because BTB likes to poke everyone and then when posters oppose him, he ?silences? them.

I can?t respect that kind of behavior. It was tolerable until then. And now he keeps ranting about IHS and ROI, it?s akin to ?I know you are but what am I? and that type of discourse has little value.

I should have known not to get into any convo with him but some of the things he?s spamming need some different perspectives.

I skimmed on the other thread that he?s some social media savant now?  What I want to know is how do I get into this business?  I got a phone and some downtime - how do I get a builder to employ me?  Wonder if they pay by post count, or if the #sponsored or #ad hashtags apply ala IG.  GP! Toll Brothers! Lennar!  Hit me up!  Hell, if EW needs more reps, Im down for that too. I can spew some love on attached products!
Really!!!! I did not know that I can punch through my screen and grab him by the neck. The last time when I was at work and tried that it only shattered the monitor.

BTB could be sitting in China and write all this crap, I wouldn't know where to find him to get violence.

You get me.... Everybody or anybody can be a brave and be a hero behind the keyboard with talks. The minutes the challenge has any substance, one side silence the other, it tell you, you dealing with a weak boy.

Its ok, when he ready, I am.
C'mon people, its all in good fun. I see no difference between BTB and tenmagnet, tyler durden, indiedev, etc., and I was sad to see all of them go because they made this board entertaining.

It takes all kinds to make an interesting board. For example, we need:
Nice people like novas and trooper
Wise people like IHS
Logical people like IHO
Useful people like SGIP, TLONL, and USC
and Incendiary people like BTB and Test
That, IMO, is a board worth participating in, especially since Ronnie isn?t even posting coupons anymore.
The title of this thread is a classic example of clickbait. It misleads a person to think that this thread is relating to  good chicken places.

(What?s your thoughts about Costco?s rotisserie chicken?)