sonoma said:Any updates?
freedomcm said:what do you expect kitchenaid to say about their more profitable product? that it is *more* repair needy?
unless the built-in has an access panel, they are a true pain to repair.
and how do you vacuum the condenser coils?
and how much higher is the operating temperature in the enclosed space that the compressor has to work against?
sonoma said:Walking through the unfinished Sonoma homes, I want to say only 1 out of 6 homes got the built-in from the builder.
myirvine said:something to consider which seems to have been mentioned by another poster. i considered a built-in (outside of the builder) and a counter-depth. i went with a counter-depth with additional matching molding to fill in the gaps to give a somewhat near appearance of a built-in. i'm glad i did. here is what i noticed between the two options.
built-in: (1) cost of refrigerator with cabinet modification would have run ~$7,500, (2) color of the stainless steel would have more closely matched the stainless steel of the other appliances, (3) like true stainless steel built-ins, the doors are not magnetic, (4) looks nicer
counter-depth: (1) cost of refrigerator with cabinet filled in cost ~$2,700, (2) color of stainless a little off, (3) doors are magnetic, (5) looks good when the gaps are filled in, (6) based on the model selected results in a loss of only ~0.7 cu ft which is like half of those tiny dorm refrigerators (7) it may be slightly noisier than a built-in but not a big deal
i figured that in case my counter-depth breaks down, i can replace it twice before i get to the cost of the built-in
Irvine2Irvine said:sonoma said:Any updates?
I called a cabinet maker and they charge upto $1500 to modify the cabinet to fit a built-in. It includes replacing crown molding, removing taller cabinet, builiding and installing shorter cabinet to make the opening taller, and putting the filler on the sides to make the opening about 1/2" narrower.
So if you do want a built-in, you may want to have the builder do it.
I am leaning towards a free standing as I read on the Consumer Reports that the built-ins are repair proned. The repair cost will be much higher also. Finally after getting conflicting information about longevity of built-in vs freestanding, I called KitchenAid and they told me the life expectancy for built-in is identical to a free standing fridge which is 13 years.
sonoma said:I went into a store, which I won't mention the name, and the sales guy basically convinced me not to get a built-in. He said the expectancy is more like 10 years rather than 13. He also said that these built-in will not work better than the freestandings. I'm like 99% sure I won't do the built-in now.
nytransplant said:I took a look at the built-ins, counter-depths and freestanding this weekend. The probably with the counter dept is they don't make a 42" (leaves a lot of gaps. The freestanding has better features but seems to stick out a lot in the front. I've not made up my mine but the way the sonoma homes are built is kind of tough to get a fridge that sticks out at least 6+ inches from the rest of the cabinets.
nytransplant said:Is your freestanding fridge a counter-depth?