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Some company supposedly owns the patent on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and has a monopoly on the test, which is why it's so expensive.  After the whole Angelina Jolie Op Ed today, the company's stock went up 3%.
MYGN.. up from 20s to 30s in three months, probably insider trading based on impending Jolie endorsement. Being the rich and charitable person she is, she should buy the patent and make the test affordable to the regular people :)
I've tried to post this news like 25 times today with no luck. I give up. Short version: Angelina now says she's having her ovaries removed, too.  ???
SoCal said:
abcd1234 said:
I don't know how old you are- but mammorgrams are not that bad.  Yes, a little uncomfortable, but not painful.

Not sure if this is for me or CZ, but I've never had one. I'm too young (under 35). I just remember my mother being in a lot of pain with them and dreading it each time due to the intense discomfort of being flattened like a pancake.  :(

Just want to chime in and say that I had my first mammogram earlier this year (I'm not yet 40 but had a weird pain) and it did not hurt at all. NOT AT ALL. I was absolutely freaking terrified and I'm a big wimp, and it was just a little bit of pressure and...that was it. Each compression lasted just a few seconds and the whole thing was over in like 10 minutes.

I just want to share this in case anyone needs a mammogram, but is afraid to go. Do it!
Hi, Trace! I'm so glad it is a more comfortable experience for you. Definitely - Pain or not, everybody should take precautions and get one.

Hopefully the pain meant nothing serious and the results were good!
SoCal said:
Hi, Trace! I'm so glad it is a more comfortable experience for you. Definitely - Pain or not, everybody should take precautions and get one.

Hopefully the pain meant nothing serious and the results were good!

Thanks, yeah, the results came back normal!

The worst thing about it was not being able to wear deodorant that day. I was self-conscious about smelling unfresh!
traceimage said:
SoCal said:
abcd1234 said:
I don't know how old you are- but mammorgrams are not that bad.  Yes, a little uncomfortable, but not painful.

Not sure if this is for me or CZ, but I've never had one. I'm too young (under 35). I just remember my mother being in a lot of pain with them and dreading it each time due to the intense discomfort of being flattened like a pancake.  :(

Just want to chime in and say that I had my first mammogram earlier this year (I'm not yet 40 but had a weird pain) and it did not hurt at all. NOT AT ALL. I was absolutely freaking terrified and I'm a big wimp, and it was just a little bit of pressure and...that was it. Each compression lasted just a few seconds and the whole thing was over in like 10 minutes.

I just want to share this in case anyone needs a mammogram, but is afraid to go. Do it!

I just called my Dr today and asked him to write me another slip for mammogram. Will get it done.. it's covered by insurance, not forty yet, but I am considered high risk for multiple reasons.

So, remember how I was telling you guys that none of my grandma's made it past sixty? My mom and I were talking, and realized that mom is the only woman in her generation who made it past 60 and is healthy. Two of my aunts died in late fifties too- this is creepy, but one of them had uterine cancer, died of excessive anesthesia while operating, other had brain tumor and had heart attack few days before her chemo. Sheesh! I am destined for early close I think. Told my husband, and then a couple of minutes later I sing "you're gonna miss me when I am gone'- he totally flipped :( 
traceimage said:
SoCal said:
Hi, Trace! I'm so glad it is a more comfortable experience for you. Definitely - Pain or not, everybody should take precautions and get one.

Hopefully the pain meant nothing serious and the results were good!

Thanks, yeah, the results came back normal!

The worst thing about it was not being able to wear deodorant that day. I was self-conscious about smelling unfresh!

What a relief! I am glad you are okay. I never knew about the deodorant rule!
I forgot to mention that I cannot stand Angelina Jolie, but I do think this is a good thing that she is doing in raising awareness about breast cancer.
traceimage said:
I forgot to mention that I cannot stand Angelina Jolie, but I do think this is a good thing that she is doing in raising awareness about breast cancer.

Just curious - why don't you like her? I don't care for her either, fwiw, but I've noticed other people seem to like her because she is a humanitarian, has adopted a bunch of children, this, that, and the other. She is also a home-wrecker which is my main issue.
SoCal said:
traceimage said:
I forgot to mention that I cannot stand Angelina Jolie, but I do think this is a good thing that she is doing in raising awareness about breast cancer.

Just curious - why don't you like her? I don't care for her either, fwiw, but I've noticed other people seem to like her because she is a humanitarian, has adopted a bunch of children, this, that, and the other. She is also a home-wrecker which is my main issue.

Well, I think she adopted the kids for her own selfish reasons. I think she's a narcissist and wants to think of herself as some kind of global do-gooder. She just goes around the world collecting children. I don't know if she really has the kids' best interest in with Pax, the kid she adopted from Vietnam, I think he was 3 when she adopted him, and she immediately changed his name. Why wouldn't you let a 3yo keep the name he is used to, just to make the process a little easier for him? And she seems to gallivant all over the world, parading the children around, rather than letting them have a quiet, stable home life in one place. They apparently were going to settle in LA, then moved to NYC, then to New Orleans, then to France, and who knows where else. I don't think that's the best thing for kids, to constantly have to move and switch schools (if they even go to school, who knows).

I don't really care about "homewrecking." That was on Brad Pitt--he was the one who made the commitment to Jennifer Aniston.

This is just my opinion. Obviously I don't know her, so maybe she is the most wonderful person in real life, but she just rubs me the wrong way.
Finally got the thing done! Two years late. The doctor explained why I should have set up at appt at 35. All is well.. except for a fifteen minute scare where I had to wait for an u/s. Phew! Back to the Dr.'s office for a genetic testing.. weird, I was talking about Myraid genetics on FB a week ago, and yesterday I came home with a DVD from them to help me understand genetic testing.

ETA: From my discussions with the technician and admin, the gene testing is covered by the insurance for women considered high risk.
Did you get a mammogram today? I hope all your results come out A-OK. Let me know how it goes (PM if you prefer.)
Due to genetic risk, I was suggested genetic screening by the doctor. I was scheduled for the test last Wednesday. Here are my thoughts..

I went to the test starving, because the Dr was planning to take samples of saliva and send it to the lab. During my previous talks to the counselor/ admin and doctor, I was told that the test can be covered by the insurance if the patient is at risk. If not, I can always reject the test results. At that point, my main concern was the $3000 tab.Anyway, she asks me to sign and initial where she marked and hands me over some documentation. I did sign and initial. But since she was inside attending to something else, I sat there, reading the fine print.. Without quoting anyone of anything, here is the summary of the conversation that followed:

1. I can reject the results, but they will be shared with my provider - insurance and doctor.
2. Law says insurance cannot kick me out if I test positive, but they are not sure what happens if I want to change my jobs. Yes, law says a thousand things!
3. Even with current insurance, I need to follow my doctor's advice, which is most likely preventive masectomy. If I don't, insurance can rethink my coverage.
4. A lot of "as suggested by insurance company" answers from the Admin/ Counselor- clearly nothing like the assurance she gave me the week before.
5. TMI Question, but we are all adults here, so sharing that one as well: If I have masectomy, what about reconstruction surgery? Is that covered too? No definitive answer.. I guess that's like dental work- covered to pull teeth out, not to fit new ones :)
6. Everything failed, I refused to believe I have cancer when I am just at risk, told them I will come back for regular mammograms, and also the suggested MRI scans.. and the last thing that came out of her mouth was.. think about your kids, they need you. Yes, they need me, but they have a father also. I trust him if something were to happen to me. Stop making me feel like a dying person when I am perfectly healthy. You cannot scare me into this :'(

Best one: After preventive surgery, my changes of having cancer are the same as any normal human being. Awww! No, not doing it. I will honor the regular recommended tests, and take care of me better, but if anything happens in spite of that, I am sure family and friends will deal with my loss with courage.

This was exactly the same feeling that you get when you go to get a hair cut.. the hair dresser always tells you to change your shampoo, conditioner and get the repair treatments she offers..didn't want to feel like that getting out of a clinic, but that's what it is.

I don't know if I did a right decision, but sorry, you cannot scare me into it telling me I have to think of my children. I risk death driving on the streets of Irvine more than cancer. That hasn't made me stop driving..