Brain Farts. Worried. How young is too young to be senile?

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Where do I start?

I've been losing my marbles a lot lately. So much that it's really starting to worry me.  :( It's been getting worse little by little. However, since my surgery at the end of July, it's just been terrible.

I'm... uh... not quite over the hill. My username used to give a clue to my age. It seemed like a cute idea when I created it in my 20's. Not so much anymore. That's been fixed. Let's just say I'm too young - I think - to be senile.

I just got back from my kids' school to pick them up. I was the only parent there. 1 HOUR & 45 MINUTES EARLY. I left for "minimum day" ++ padded time to beat the traffic. That's great. Except it wasn't minimum day. The class was coming back from lunch. I was interacting with them, wondering why no other parents were there... getting really strange looks from the teacher. The janitor approached me, saying I must love being there. His comment made no sense to me. The playground monitor asked if I was having trouble with something. UMMM. Yeah, apparently I am.  :o I am so embarrassed.  :-\

I drink water all day long. After I pour a glass, I can never remember if it's fresh or water that's been sitting out since last night. So, I get a new glass. Repeat, repeat, repeat. I must go through 10 different glasses in a day. I have to put it in the exact same spot as a signal to myself that it's new, otherwise I will be too confused.

Going back to school, I've run into so many kids and parents from last year. I don't remember about 95% of the names of the kids or parents. It's very awkward.

Luckily, I haven't left any appliances on. YET. I'm scared.

Many of us are around the same age here. Is this happening to anyone else?
Damn Socal - that is some bad memory loss. im a year older than you so i would say you are way too young for this senileness (dont think that is a word) - the only memory loss i experience and im not sure it is memory, but perhaps it is - when im at work and im really busy, ill make a mental note to do something else when im doing with my current task, then when im done with my current task, ill start doing doing something else (though not the task that i made the mental note for) then ill stop and remember that i just skipped a task and knock it out.  not sure how clear this statement is. 

if i was you i would probably go to a doctor. good luck.
qwerty said:
if i was you i would probably go to a doctor. good luck.

I don't even know what they would or could do for me. Brain scan? And what then? I know, I know - "you can't fix stupid." That's the thing, though. I think I'm a pretty smart girl, and I haven't had any accidents. I don't do drugs. I seldom drink. I don't know! What kind of doctor fixes these things?... a shrink??

gaogi said:
I know my wife lost her mind when she was pregnant...just saying  ;)

It is a good guess.

Hmmm, maybe. He already had a vasectomy years ago. However, he says he would still allow us to try & try again for another baby.  ;) It sure is nice of him to let us keep trying, isn't it? 

I like to spill shocking details every now and then. Just checking to see if you all are awake.

I hate to break it to you but it doesn't get better with age.  I have several decades on you. Ugh, you weren't even born when I graduated high school.

My brain has always been like a flourescent lamp...a little slow (with a lot of fog around San Fran) but it's gotten worse.  Studying for certification exams take so long now. Oh wait, it's always been that way.

I also always wanted to get checked out but I could never figure out which doctor to talk to.  I figured the one that you go to get the annual physical exam will just tell me that that's a symptom of being an old fart and collect his $300.

I always worry if I'm one of those that'll get Alzheimer's because I forget "important" things so quickly.  Stupid things, I can remember forever.

But if you seriously think it's more than being slightly scatter brained, then I would probably talk first to your regular doctor that you get your yearly exams from.  Good luck.
That's pretty much like it.  :P

I'm worried about my kids.  Every time I yell at them as to why they didn't do So-and-So, they always tell me

Hmm, actually that's the line I use when the doctor asks me why I still didn't get that "certain" unpleasant checkup.  I FORGOT.

irvinehomeowner said:
irvinehusky at the doctor:

ih: Hey Doc!

Doc: Hello Mr. Husky, what are you in for?

ih: I forgot.

Doc: You said that last time.
