Bowerman landfill trash may "burn" one day?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
jamboreedude said:
Is there a possibility that in x number of years, the trash at the Bowerman landfill may start to burn and stink up all of Portola Springs, Lambert Ranch, Stonegate, Woodbury and Cypress Villages? It can happen. Read this article about a landfill in Missouri with this problem:

Didn't you forget to say how wonderful Laguna Altura is in your post? It's all the same with Jamboreedude: Stonegate/Woodbury/PS/LR all suck, Laguna Altura is great. "Hey," you'd say, "I'm just providing information. Nevermind the fact that I bought at LA and want LA to appreciate while I trashtalk all the others." Blah blah blah.
I'm very concern because I am still debating of buying a Santa Maria townhome from TIC as an investment. I may never buy there ultimately because TIC is increasing prices at every new phase and a crazy long waiting list made largely of Asian grannies and grandpas. If they ever call me, forget it because the landfill is still a complete turnoff. So yeah, a Laguna Altura motorcourt is still the best deal around town IMHO.
Bowerman is equipped with a landfill gas-to-LNG plant.  Methane won't be an issue towards end of use stages of the landfill as it is at other sites, including Coyote Canyon (Newport Coast)
The smoke stack is not a major concern. It will be a awesome focal point.  Jamboreedude could get a nice view of the smoke across the valley. Leaching is not an issue because the lining installed at the landfill bottom will never fail. I read that in the Waste Management articles. If the water is not going anywhere then where does it go during a heavy storm? This is the reason why many landfills are located at the lowest elevation. 
I work in the waste/recycling industry and landfills and waste facilities are so ridiculously regulated nowadays (especially in California) that I wouldn't worry about AQ/odor issues as far as Portola/Stonegate goes.  The only noticeable evidence of the landfill is the trucks going by constantly.  These trucks can be loud, dirty, and smelly, but typically only operate during normal business hours so by the time you get home you probably won't see any. 
hamilton said:
I work in the waste/recycling industry and landfills and waste facilities are so ridiculously regulated nowadays (especially in California) that I wouldn't worry about AQ/odor issues as far as Portola/Stonegate goes.  The only noticeable evidence of the landfill is the trucks going by constantly.  These trucks can be loud, dirty, and smelly, but typically only operate during normal business hours so by the time you get home you probably won't see any. 

Hamilton -  please don't confuse everyone here with facts
Well, if we did that, that junk will really start to burn, but not naturally.  :P  How clean would it be?  If we ship it out, maybe in 300 years, all that trash will be gone.  And then, they can build a new Irvine village on it?

irvinehomeowner said:
irvinehusky said:
Maybe we can con Norway to buy all that trash saying it's high-quality "Irvine" trash?  Nothing but the primo stuff in there.
Why sell it to Norway? Just do an Oslo at Boweman and North Irvine can have its own power plant!
irvinehusky said:
Well, if we did that, that junk will really start to burn, but not naturally.  :P  How clean would it be?  If we ship it out, maybe in 300 years, all that trash will be gone.  And then, they can build a new Irvine village on it?
Why does it have to be gone to build on it? Newport Coast just put dirt on it and built on top. :)
Well, that's true.

Think of all the slogans IP can come up with for the new community.

Experience Irvine's newest "explosive" community.  Living here - It's a GAS.

Naturally self-heating homes? (They won't tell you it'll be like a sauna during the summers)

You can treasure hunt with your kids in the privacy of your back yard (one man's trash is another man's...)

irvinehomeowner said:
irvinehusky said:
Well, if we did that, that junk will really start to burn, but not naturally.  :P  How clean would it be?  If we ship it out, maybe in 300 years, all that trash will be gone.  And then, they can build a new Irvine village on it?
Why does it have to be gone to build on it? Newport Coast just put dirt on it and built on top. :)
Not to reveal my ignorance too much (I hope), but from when I first moved to Portola Springs (from Woodbury) until maybe last year I had absolutely no clue about how near the landfill is.

When I finally realized that, it answered a mystery that I'd wondered about for years: During my first year living here, there were two mornings where I rolled my windows down as I drove away from my home and my nose was filled with a wretched, vile smell so bad that I started dry-heaving in my car.

I rolled up my windows and looked all around for maybe a nearby trash truck (at 6am) or for a pile of trash someone maybe dumped on the street, but I saw nothing.

Finally when I learned about the landfill's location it occurred to me that's what I was smelling. Their stink containment unit must've malfunctioned a couple of times or something.

As I'm moving to Stinkgate, it is a bit further from the dump itself, so I'm hoping such a stink will not reach me again, though it is a bummer to be nearer the dump-truck route and the landfill entrance.

My wife and I often remark how proud the Bowerman family must be and how proud we should be to be so closely associated with not just any landfill, but one of thee biggest landfills in all of California. Not everyone who lives near a landfill can make such a claim.
lucky said:
Not to reveal my ignorance too much (I hope), but from when I first moved to Portola Springs (from Woodbury) until maybe last year I had absolutely no clue about how near the landfill is.

When I finally realized that, it answered a mystery that I'd wondered about for years: During my first year living here, there were two mornings where I rolled my windows down as I drove away from my home and my nose was filled with a wretched, vile smell so bad that I started dry-heaving in my car.

I rolled up my windows and looked all around for maybe a nearby trash truck (at 6am) or for a pile of trash someone maybe dumped on the street, but I saw nothing.

Finally when I learned about the landfill's location it occurred to me that's what I was smelling. Their stink containment unit must've malfunctioned a couple of times or something.

As I'm moving to Stinkgate, it is a bit further from the dump itself, so I'm hoping such a stink will not reach me again, though it is a bummer to be nearer the dump-truck route and the landfill entrance.

My wife and I often remark how proud the Bowerman family must be and how proud we should be to be so closely associated with not just any landfill, but one of thee biggest landfills in all of California. Not everyone who lives near a landfill can make such a claim.

Are you sure the smell wasn't fresh manure being laid? When ever TIC lays new manure, I have the same reaction. Only happens a few times a year though.