Bkshopr's farewell post.

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I came to this site to speak the truth and posted endless housing related threads. My intention has always been honest from years of working in the housing industry. I have never considered promoting my business on this site just to maintain my impartiality to critique housing in Irvine. I have nothing to gain by teaching all of you. So please keep my spirit alive and buy a home that I would be proud of.

As I leave today I hope someday you all would find the place of paradise where you all would find happiness. Irvine will never come close to the 1920's neighborhoods that I adore. However, compared to many other master planned communities Irvine is by far the best executed considering today's economic, governmental, and political limitations.

I wish success to the New Home Collections and the long awaited products. I wish not to comment the plans because for the sake of the Irvine economy selling new homes is the first step to the economic recovery. I do not want to hinder this process.

My best bets are with Brookfield and New Home Company.

I surrender my icicle gun and frayed bungee ropes. There is no suicide in Irvine.

5 things you all should take with you today. de-emphasized garage, setback, yard, home identity and toilet placement.

I will not leave any forwarding information regarding my architectural firm. Trivia #39: my studio has a fire station door.

Top 10 posters are still entitled to my free consultations on your home search. I honor my pledge. You all should know where to find me.

Merry Christmas to you all.

PS. What are the chances of Mrs BK being a key eye witness to a crime at Neiman Marcus today and also our last post.
[quote author="irvine123" date=1259668485]Haven't spent much time here during the past months. Can anyone share with me why bkshopr is leaving??</blockquote>

<a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewannounce/6819_5/">Zovall is shutting the forum down.</a>
Bk, I'm very grateful for the wealth of information you've provided on this site. I know you made some big sacrifices to do so. I wish I had more to offer in return but please know I'll spread the BK word about good home design to all I can get to listen.:)
If bk doesn't move over to <a href="http://www.talkirvine.com">http://www.talkirvine.com</a> it will never be the same.

I better see you over there bk or I'm going to install a 3-car wide frontal garage in your Floral Park home.

(or maybe I should go reserve bktalks.com)
Bk, it's been a pleasure to read your posts and to exchange thoughts with you. I hope you do well and if I win the lottery, I will certainly look you up to design the modern day counterpart to the Gamble House.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1259667886]Top 10 posters are still entitled to my free consultations on your home search. I honor my pledge. You all should know where to find me.</blockquote>

I've never been more pleased to be <em>10th</em> in line.
Was IHO being number 11 the deciding factor go with the top ten. It just wouldn't be a great farewell post without blackballing IHO, uh?
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1259676956]Was IHO being number 11 the deciding factor go with the top ten. It just wouldn't be a great farewell post without blackballing IHO, uh?</blockquote>
Hehe... didn't even notice that. Don't I have until Friday to post 400 times to pass up SoCal78?

It's okay... when BK says top 10... he's actually referring to a BaKer's top 10... so add 1.
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1259678610]SoCal is busy with the new site so you might have a chance.</blockquote>

Hey! <Smite>!... I said, <Smite>! Why isn't this thing working? Arrggh!!

BK, does this mean you are going to take down the cameras in my house?

Seriously, thank you so much for everything --- learned so much from you. While I enjoyed everything about IHB, there really were a couple of key contributors who kept me coming back --- and you were to the top of that list. I hope you find your way to the new forums and keep sharing your knowledge. And if you don't, I hope you decide to start posting something on your FB account soon.

Thank you!!
A very sincere thank you to you for sharing your time and expertise at a great personal cost.

Likewise, thank you to your wife and daughter for sharing you with us.

As a parting gift, I'd like to let you know, once and for all, that I am not tenmagnet.

he is tenmagnet!

that said, I've enjoyed reading each of BKs posts, and learned a great deal from many of them.

I only wish that I had posted more of the social drivel, and had made it into the top 10!
<em>"Top 10 posters are still entitled to my free consultations on your home search. I honor my pledge. You all should know where to find me."</em>

Phew - I still made it. I knew all that ranting would pay off somehow.

See you all on the new blog.

- Troop
If I were BK, I would be pissed that all the time I spent educating the internet for free is now going into the IHB archive where no one will be able to see it. BK posted his insights to help as many people as he can. His posts took a lot of time, and thought with pictures and floorplans.

To think of all that work is now going offline ......
[quote author="zubs" date=1259728265]If I were BK, I would be pissed that all the time I spent educating the internet for free is now going into the IHB archive where no one will be able to see it. BK posted his insights to help as many people as he can. His posts took a lot of time, and thought with pictures and floorplans.

To think of all that work is now going offline ......</blockquote>

It will stay up in a read only format, so you or anyone who uses google will still be able to learn from the master.