Bezos? remark about Amazon prompted a backlash over his vast wealth

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Bezos? remark about Amazon prompted a backlash over his vast wealth

?I also want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer because you guys paid for all of this,? Mr. Bezos said during a news conference after his spaceflight.

Mr. Bezos? comment prompted swift critical reactions, including from a member of the House of Representatives who serves on the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee.

?Space travel isn?t a tax-free holiday for the wealthy,? said Representative Earl Blumenauer, Democrat of Oregon. ?We pay taxes on plane tickets. Billionaires flying into space ? producing no scientific value ? should do the same, and then some!?
[quote author=Ronald Reagan]
Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
The criticisms of Bezos and the Reagan quote are quite revealing about our modern era

One side is blind to the fruits of the space progress due to the zeal to eliminate billionaires.

The other side still believes in the myth of trickle down Reganomics.
