Better Location for Resale in Irvine

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Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
This thread.... Mention yard.  Don?t like them. Mention privacy/space. Don?t like fresh air or sun. Mention burgers. Dont eat them much. Mention outdoor time. Too busy.


I am not understanding I have to like those things? 

I am not speaking for anyone else.  I am not sure why others feel the need to say that I should like certain things or not. 

Nope not saying you need to like anything.

So...I'm not understanding this discussion.  If you like your yard and believes that it is something worth paying for...great.  I rather spend my money for other priorities. 

Naaa I didn?t pay for my yard. It was free. I could have paid more to live in a similar size house in Stonegate with zero yard. 
bones said:
Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
This thread.... Mention yard.  Don?t like them. Mention privacy/space. Don?t like fresh air or sun. Mention burgers. Dont eat them much. Mention outdoor time. Too busy.


I am not understanding I have to like those things? 

I am not speaking for anyone else.  I am not sure why others feel the need to say that I should like certain things or not. 

Nope not saying you need to like anything.

So...I'm not understanding this discussion.  If you like your yard and believes that it is something worth paying for...great.  I rather spend my money for other priorities. 

Naaa I didn?t pay for my yard. It was free. I could have paid more to live in a similar size house in Stonegate with zero yard.

1)  It's not free. 

2)  But you don't live in Stonegate and whatever that community provides to the people who live there.  You may not want those things so they were of no value to you.
We?ve been down this road many many times but let?s rehash. What does Stonegate provide that PP doesn?t have?  Except for an on-site elem school? 

For me yard/privacy/space > an elem school I would drive to anyway regardless if I was walking distance or not.

If I wanted to grill burgers that I don?t like that much, I too can walk to PP?s Park and use their grill if I wanted to. 

The comp house in SG isn?t really walkable to Woodbury town center so if I have to get in my car anyway, what?s another light or two.

You make it sound like SG is this magical place that has so much more to offer than other neighborhoods.  All these north Irvine neighborhoods are pretty much the same.  And FWIW, I?ve lived in Stonegate.
bones said:
We?ve been down this road many many times but let?s rehash. What does Stonegate provide that PP doesn?t have?  Except for an on-site elem school? 

For me yard/privacy/space > an elem school I would drive to anyway regardless if I was walking distance or not.

If I wanted to grill burgers that I don?t like that much, I too can walk to PP?s Park and use their grill if I wanted to. 

The comp house in SG isn?t really walkable to Woodbury town center so if I have to get in my car anyway, what?s another light or two.

You make it sound like SG is this magical place that has so much more to offer than other neighborhoods.  All these north Irvine neighborhoods are pretty much the same.  And FWIW, I?ve lived in Stonegate. made a choice and I am glad you like it.  I like Stonegate over PP including the existence of an on-site elementary and closer proximity to my local park and don't think a yard is that big of a deal.  I like being able to cut across SG and access Jeffrey as well as accessibilty to Portola.  I like the fact that I don't have to make a left onto Sand Canyon or go an extra few lights.  That's me and my family. 

But again...for you those things are meh and you rather have a yard so great.  I don't understand why there is a need to tell me that I should like PP more SG.

I didn't mention SG...we were talking about yards.
irvinehomeowner said:
Looking at all those deflections... it?s rationalizing.

It?s ok, I?ll watch your HGTV show... Little Lots. :)

Well..I guess a bigger lot makes you feel like a bigger and better person.  Glad you feel better about yourself :)
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Looking at all those deflections... it?s rationalizing.

It?s ok, I?ll watch your HGTV show... Little Lots. :)

Well..I guess a bigger lot makes you feel like a bigger and better person.  Glad you feel better about yourself :)

Neh. My lot isn?t that big but I do have a yard.

And I?m sure I?m bigger... better is not for me to judge.
irvinehomeowner said:
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Looking at all those deflections... it?s rationalizing.

It?s ok, I?ll watch your HGTV show... Little Lots. :)

Well..I guess a bigger lot makes you feel like a bigger and better person.  Glad you feel better about yourself :)

Neh. My lot isn?t that big but I do have a yard.

And I?m sure I?m bigger... better is not for me to judge.

Stonegate resident IC just stated that his house has a small yard and is close to parks and an elementary school at all times. Will someone from his crowded and privacy starved neighborhood please inform him that IHO too lives in a great Irvine neighborhood, but his yard much bigger & better than his, and his house works!
irvinehomeowner said:
Neh. My lot isn?t that big but I do have (it's almost) a yard.

And I?m sure I?m bigger... better is not for me to judge.

This is what IHO is really trying to said, take that Qwerty. :)
Irvinecommuter said:
I didn't mention SG...we were talking about yards.

I missed this in all the lifeless equestrian bashing.

I didn?t mention paying more, getting more house, walkable elementary, or nearby pocket parks yet you had to bring them up to rationalize a smaller yard.

We were just talking yard... bigger or smaller. Yet you keep sidestepping with ?all things aren?t equal?. I think you work in a law related occupation, I hope that?s not how you argue.
irvinehomeowner said:
Irvinecommuter said:
I didn't mention SG...we were talking about yards.

I missed this in all the lifeless equestrian bashing.

I didn?t mention paying more, getting more house, walkable elementary, or nearby pocket parks yet you had to bring them up to rationalize a smaller yard.

We were just talking yard... bigger or smaller. Yet you keep sidestepping with ?all things aren?t equal?. I think you work in a law related occupation, I hope that?s not how you argue.

I THINK many head banging posts ago, someone asked me if I would buy a house in SG on a corner lot with no yard and I said pass, would rather be in PP. I also think PP was brought into the equation because well, it?s the only newish development close to Stonegate with tracts specifically built with large Lots in mind.

And no one is convincing you to like PP over SG. It?s well documented you prefer SG and convincing you of anything is impossible so why would I bother?  My post talking about PP is to counter your elementary school, pocket parks, blah blah blah.  I try hard not to bring personal stories into this and talk more on a macro level but then the burger comments come a flying and well...
Burn That Belly said:
1) I don't need a kitchen because I hardly cook at home. I use uberEats all day, er day. If I do cook, I just use those portable butane burners and I can put that anywhere in the house. So why buy a house with a kitchen?

2) I don't need bedrooms, because bedrooms cost money. In fact, all I need is a studio. In fact, I don't use that dining room since I eat in front of my TV. The dining room is now where I put my bed.

3) I don't need a garage because garages cost money too. I can park my BMW on the street for free.

4) I don't need a yard either like Irvinecommuter since I hardly use it. Save money there too.

Ah, I figured it out! I should just buy a mobile home. I can save money on property taxes and HOA too! Plus, I get to live in a different community every damn day!

Everybody will make up excuses to fit their own narrative.


Ha ha Good one.
Who needs a detached property?  Just means more windows to wash and additional exterior walls to worry about.  Being attached to my neighbors means better insulation so saves on my heating and cooling bills.
Burn That Belly said:
1) I don't need a kitchen because I hardly cook at home. I use uberEats all day, er day. If I do cook, I just use those portable butane burners and I can put that anywhere in the house. So why buy a house with a kitchen?

2) I don't need bedrooms, because bedrooms cost money. In fact, all I need is a studio. In fact, I don't use that dining room since I eat in front of my TV. The dining room is now where I put my bed.

3) I don't need a garage because garages cost money too. I can park my BMW on the street for free.

4) I don't need a yard either like Irvinecommuter since I hardly use it. Save money there too.

Ah, I figured it out! I should just buy a mobile home. I can save money on property taxes and HOA too! Plus, I get to live in a different community every damn day!

Everybody will make up excuses to fit their own narrative.


No everyone's needs are the same and thus not everyone's priorities list are either. 

Why is the concept that I don't think a yard is that valuable an "excuse"?
irvinehomeowner said:
Irvinecommuter said:
I didn't mention SG...we were talking about yards.

I missed this in all the lifeless equestrian bashing.

I didn?t mention paying more, getting more house, walkable elementary, or nearby pocket parks yet you had to bring them up to rationalize a smaller yard.

We were just talking yard... bigger or smaller. Yet you keep sidestepping with ?all things aren?t equal?. I think you work in a law related occupation, I hope that?s not how you argue.

No...I said that there are different priorities for different people.  It has nothing to do with SG or PP.  It has to do with the relative value of a yard.  I personally don't see much value in a yard and so I would not want to pay for it. 

I don't keep sidestepping the "all things are equal" argument.  The question is what I would rather pay for.  Yard is low on the list.  If "all things were equal"...I would buy the house that is bigger with a smaller yard than a smaller house with a bigger yard.

IHO...I have a question.  What exactly are you trying to convince me?  What point do you think I am missing? 
bones said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Irvinecommuter said:
I didn't mention SG...we were talking about yards.

I missed this in all the lifeless equestrian bashing.

I didn?t mention paying more, getting more house, walkable elementary, or nearby pocket parks yet you had to bring them up to rationalize a smaller yard.

We were just talking yard... bigger or smaller. Yet you keep sidestepping with ?all things aren?t equal?. I think you work in a law related occupation, I hope that?s not how you argue.

I THINK many head banging posts ago, someone asked me if I would buy a house in SG on a corner lot with no yard and I said pass, would rather be in PP. I also think PP was brought into the equation because well, it?s the only newish development close to Stonegate with tracts specifically built with large Lots in mind.

And no one is convincing you to like PP over SG. It?s well documented you prefer SG and convincing you of anything is impossible so why would I bother?  My post talking about PP is to counter your elementary school, pocket parks, blah blah blah.  I try hard not to bring personal stories into this and talk more on a macro level but then the burger comments come a flying and well...

Right.  My point isn't to say that PP or SG is better.  I just prefer SG and you prefer PP.  I am not sure why that is worth head banging over.  I have never said that a yard is just has little value for me.
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Irvinecommuter said:
I didn't mention SG...we were talking about yards.

I missed this in all the lifeless equestrian bashing.

I didn?t mention paying more, getting more house, walkable elementary, or nearby pocket parks yet you had to bring them up to rationalize a smaller yard.

We were just talking yard... bigger or smaller. Yet you keep sidestepping with ?all things aren?t equal?. I think you work in a law related occupation, I hope that?s not how you argue.

No...I said that there are different priorities for different people.  It has nothing to do with SG or PP.  It has to do with the relative value of a yard.  I personally don't see much value in a yard and so I would not want to pay for it. 

I don't keep sidestepping the "all things are equal" argument.  The question is what I would rather pay for.  Yard is low on the list.  If "all things were equal"...I would buy the house that is bigger with a smaller yard than a smaller house with a bigger yard.

IHO...I have a question.  What exactly are you trying to convince me?  What point do you think I am missing? 

That more land is valuable. You say you don't use it and it cost more to maintain and blah blah blah but everyone is trying to tell you it's not the value of a "yard" it's the value of more space on your property.

They've even mentioned future resale where most people will value a bigger yard than a smaller one. Of all the people I've seen post here on TI, you are probably one of the few who says a smaller yard is better.

And then you try to rationalize with how busy you are and how a nearby park is better but then when countered, you dance and say "Well, I don't use the barbecue that much anyways"... so then why even mention "I don't have to clean a barbecue" if you rarely use it? It's so comical... that's why BTB dropped all those "excuses" just to illustrate that.

I don't keep sidestepping the "all things are equal" argument.  The question is what I would rather pay for.  Yard is low on the list.  If "all things were equal"...I would buy the house that is bigger with a smaller yard than a smaller house with a bigger yard.

You are sidestepping because that wasn't the question.

If the location/price was equal, would you buy the same size house with a smaller yard or a bigger yard? The house size is the **SAME**... it's only the yard (and thus lot) that is bigger.

Dance away.
irvinehomeowner said:
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Irvinecommuter said:
I didn't mention SG...we were talking about yards.

I missed this in all the lifeless equestrian bashing.

I didn?t mention paying more, getting more house, walkable elementary, or nearby pocket parks yet you had to bring them up to rationalize a smaller yard.

We were just talking yard... bigger or smaller. Yet you keep sidestepping with ?all things aren?t equal?. I think you work in a law related occupation, I hope that?s not how you argue.

No...I said that there are different priorities for different people.  It has nothing to do with SG or PP.  It has to do with the relative value of a yard.  I personally don't see much value in a yard and so I would not want to pay for it. 

I don't keep sidestepping the "all things are equal" argument.  The question is what I would rather pay for.  Yard is low on the list.  If "all things were equal"...I would buy the house that is bigger with a smaller yard than a smaller house with a bigger yard.

IHO...I have a question.  What exactly are you trying to convince me?  What point do you think I am missing? 

That more land is valuable. You say you don't use it and it cost more to maintain and blah blah blah but everyone is trying to tell you it's not the value of a "yard" it's the value of more space on your property.

They've even mentioned future resale where most people will value a bigger yard than a smaller one. Of all the people I've seen post here on TI, you are probably one of the few who says a smaller yard is better.

And then you try to rationalize with how busy you are and how a nearby park is better but then when countered, you dance and say "Well, I don't use the barbecue that much anyways"... so then why even mention "I don't have to clean a barbecue" if you rarely use it? It's so comical... that's why BTB dropped all those "excuses" just to illustrate that.

I don't keep sidestepping the "all things are equal" argument.  The question is what I would rather pay for.  Yard is low on the list.  If "all things were equal"...I would buy the house that is bigger with a smaller yard than a smaller house with a bigger yard.

You are sidestepping because that wasn't the question.

If the location/price was equal, would you buy the same size house with a smaller yard or a bigger yard? The house size is the **SAME**... it's only the yard (and thus lot) that is bigger.

Dance away.

EXCEPT PRICE WILL NOT BE THE SAME!  A large lot means higher price! 

My point is that I have find little value in a yard so I don't want to pay for it!  I rather pay for something else!  You guys mentioned a number of things why you like your yard and I am saying that I don't do those things therefore the value of a yard is lower for me.  Add on the landscaping and maintenance costs, the value of a yard is not very high for me at all.
It?s just an odd preference. Almost everyone else wished they had a larger yard, one of the more common complaints in buying in Irvine.  And we?re not talking acres or horse ranch, just more setback that people are forced to buy these days.

It?s like you prefer tandem garage, or 3 story, or no driveway, etc, and the reasons why come straight out of a builders marketing brochure