Best place to live, SoCal or otherwise.

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Thanks for all the replies, and would love if someone expanded on the Carmel or the Seattle suggestions, and the other ones that don't have a description.

Actually I AM planning on winning the MegaMillions jackpot. It is over 200 million now. I usually play when it inches over 100 mill and start getting hyper once it pasts 200. There was that 350 mill jackpot that was insane but sadly, not a single number for me. I got 3 + 1 a few weeks back for a cool $150 and am hoping this to be a lucky streak and can get the big catch this time around. And yes this is all hypothetical and PIPE DREAM territory so no lecturing me on gambling and such m'kay? I spend at the most $100 any given year on lottery tickets and don't even check the numbers sometimes for two months, so I am not addicted.

And yeah everything is hypothetical! If I didn't have to worry about employment, and had the stipulations mentioned above in my first post about climate, what would be the best? Also, maybe throw in the crime rate as well, 'cuz feeling safe is always a priority for me.

I heard Seattle is really really rainy. It might be depressing...

Chocobos taste like peeps, but more warky.
We lived in Washington for four years. I did find the constant drizzles depressing. It was beautiful in the spring with the flowering trees (when they dropped their blossoms it looked like pink frosting on the ground). Summer was also very nice but the fall season didn't last long enough for me. The winter season was pretty bad with all the gray weather and some suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Each winter we lived there was worse than the last. The people were friendly and the pace was slower than California.
My husband grew up in Oregon. I have visited Oregon during various seasons. I've never been to Seattle but I hear it much like Portland in that it rains a lot and it is gray.

Some parts of Oregon have milder seasons. The Willamette Valley has the driest summers and the longest falls and springs. I particularly like Silverton Oregon which is a small town east of the Capital and about 1 1/2 hours south from Portland (probably 45 mins if they let you drive CA speed limits). It is definitely better in terms of sun than Portland. However you can get more sun if you go more south east but you move farther form the job centers. I've been to Ashland too. The winters here are pretty mild. Very little snow in the neighborhoods surrounding the downtown area but you can get to tons of snow in like 5 minutes up in the mountains.

The <a href="">Western Regional Climate Center</a> has a bunch of weather data that might help. However, you can only get regional data. I find there can be pockets of areas that have great weather and they are locate 5 minutes from bad weather areas. Take Tiburon in the bay area. The weather here is great. Hence why is is one of the priciest areas in the San Francisco Bay area. Maybe all the rich people can afford big fans to keep the gloom on the other side of the bay.