Bear Stearns

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
<p>Awgee it is ugly right now.</p>

<p>Dollar bought less than 96 yen at one point.</p>

<p>Gold was up, ummm $32 at one point, I think, don't know where it is now.</p>
WINEX - Do you know what the commercial COT gold short position as of Friday? I think they post on Friday, but I do not remember where to go to look it up.
Bear's building alone is worth over a bill. After JPM is through, liabilities as they relate to payroll will be non existent. I have heard that up to 85% of BS employees will be getting a pink slip very shortly.

I do not see this a a bad deal for JPM. But the price and value (whatever any of us believes about this deal) isn't what is fascinating, or even noteworthy. Rather, it is the speed with which this went down.

Either market dynamics changed drastically (think Koufax curveball here, "dropping off the table"), or their were fundamental problems not disclosed to investors that should have been. All of us new the dynamics had changed to a certain degree, but this was Bear Stearns, and they lost OVER 90% OF MARKET CAPITALIZATION IN 2 WEEKS!!

Of course, other old institutions have had issues with undisclosed problems - namely Barings Bank, which was around just a little bit longer than Bear-Stearns 85 years;)
I don't get it. What makes anybody think that BSC owns it's building? How much equity do you think BSC has in it's building? More than 2%? And what in the world makes anybody think that BSC will have any earnings this year?<p>

Wow. I have CNBC on and somebody says it is time to go bargain hunting.<p>

WINEX - Nevermind. I found the COT report from Friday. Commercials increased their short to long positions by 5,000. This week will be interesting if their is a short squeeze if gold futures. Possible?
Awgee, a short squeeze is very possible. It appears that panic is developing rapidly, and gold is one of the likely places that people will run to - especially with the fed set to cut between 75 and 100 basis points on Tuesday.

I'm going to watch things closely and makes some moves as the dust begins to settle.

It's too early to say right now, but taking something on the long side for a short-term trade is very possible. Opportunities will come with the panic, and we were oversold before Bear Stearns blew up anyway.
Wow, that's something else. About the only thing I can say is that looking at the difference between numbers we are seeing is reinforcing the need for me to finish a side project I have been working on. Information on the various markets is too hard to get, and very unreliable.

As for the clickable links, you can create one by clicking on the icon above the text entry window that looks like a globe with a couple of chain links on the lower right hand corner. A pop-up will appear, and you simply put the link in the URL field on the pop-up. If you want to get fancy, you can click on the SOURCE icon to see the HTML code and edit it by hand.
<i>"As for the clickable links, you can create one by clicking on the icon above the text entry window that looks like a globe with a couple of chain links on the lower right hand corner. A pop-up will appear, and you simply put the link in the URL field on the pop-up. If you want to get fancy, you can click on the SOURCE icon to see the HTML code and edit it by hand."</i><p>

Is this a Windows thing or should I be able to see the "icon above the text entry window that looks like a globe with a couple of chain links" in Safari?<p>

The ten year is at 3.34% ! If I had guts, which I don't, I would start shorting treasuries.
Hmmm, since I don't have access to a Mac and don't feel like downloading and installing Safari for Windows, I really can't answer your question. Maybe IrvineSingleMom, Trooper, or T!m can jump in and help. But do you see a row of icons immediately above where you type in text for comments?

As for treasuries, you could buy some January '10 LEAPS on TLT with speculative money.
CNBC reports that Goldman will take a $3 billion write this tuesday: $1.6 billion in its leveraged loan business, $1.1 billion in connection with assets owned by its private equity arm and will have to writedown the value of its stake in Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC).

This has nothing to do the mortgage backed securities...those are loans and assets on LBOs. rumor on the street this evening is major banks are writing down up to $10 billion this quarter on LBO related loans and assets. this will put huge squeeze on buy outs.

the other shoe is dropping...
sorry...hit the wrong botton on "thanks'..

S&P said we are half way into the 200 plus billion of forecasted w/d on sub-prime backed mortgage. It is done after that.

The new writes has nothing to do the sub-prime or prima or alt -a mortgage backed securities. They are LBO related. Remember the buy out craziness during the last two years? Remember those days we all expect M&A announcement on Monday am? Well, they are haunting us now...

check this out on this evening's :
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