Pros of waiting:
- get to fully customize. Don't think there are any options in PP you can do that right now
- will be able to potentially get into phase 1 pricing or wait for a specific lot
- walkable elem if you have young kids
Cons of waiting:
- it is unknown. Couple things that I would have questions about in BP is how the commercial (offices/medical) will be done. Is it the same egress for everything? Also probably should research what that land was previously used for. PP was farm land. I can't remember what BP was.
- living in a constriction zone for 2+ years. PP with less homes will be an approx 2 year buildout. I'm guessing BP will be longer given its more homes and also there is less pent up demand right now.
That's all I can think off top of my head. Someone posted earlier today about the benefits of BP in another thread.