I would have to agree with IHO, I know you don't intend on using a tablet outside of your house, but you most likely will... seeing as to how useful Android tablets are...
I'm not saying you're gonna be lugging the thing around taking pictures, videos and making all sorts phone calls, but... I like the 7"-7.7" form factor because I can still put it inside a jacket pocket, cargo pants, portfolio case or carry around like a notebook...
I would use the thing in my car on my commutes, on trains or buses, coffee shops, convention centers, on a plane, and eating out... it would take load off the smartphone; basically anywhere I go where I'm sitting around not having to be on my feet...
The Nexus has been great walking around, working in and out of the car, walking around at the mall or shopping at the grocery store, Costco...
The Nexus has even been a bit too much at the gym, as I find myself going back to the Desire as my ultra-portable device...