are unpermitted addons really that big of a nightmare?

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from what I've heard from others, finding a home you like and then finding out some of the space is un-permitted is a deal breaker...

they tell me stories of nightmares with the city inspector, having to demolish parts, and say it's just a huge hassle...

is that really the case? does anyone have any first hand experience instead of "my friend's parents" or "my brother's friend" stories?

My wife and I looked at this property

and while the layout seemed a little strange, the price, the newish kitchen and the lot size were really attractive. We're in no rush to buy since we've been looking for a few years and haven't had any plans on expanding our family yet, but have decided that we'd move on something if the price is right. Is that price wrong due to the un-permitted space?
<a href="">LINK - 13421 Woodland Dr., Tustin</a>
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1255862762]This topic has been posted numerous times before. Try the search button.</blockquote>

thanks, i tried searching before for "unpermitted" but never came up with much which is why i tried posting the thread, i'll try some other terms though...
An old neighbor of mine bought a house with unpermitted add ons done by the previous owner. He found out about a year later that the previous owner used drywall on the outside of the house and painted it to make it look like siding. My old neighbor is now suing the previous owner along with others involved in the purchse to make him whole. It has been a pain for him.
my friend rented a house with an unpermitted bed/bath. the city is making the owner demolish or change it to an outdoor patio. my friend has to move now. it can be quite serious if your neighbors snitch on you!