Amazon Fresh grocery store opens at Irvine Market Place

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
UrvineLegend said:
I feel like I'm the only one on this board who goes grocery shopping in person.  I did notice that TJ is less crowded than last month.

Be careful when you go out. The new strain and the no maskers that for some reason touch their nose. Lol
UrvineLegend said:
I feel like I'm the only one on this board who goes grocery shopping in person.  I did notice that TJ is less crowded than last month.

We like to go in the last hour of grocery/Costco opening. We end up getting some stuff from Costco, some from Pavilions, some from Sprouts, some from Smart and wife really likes going in person still.
UrvineLegend said:
I feel like I'm the only one on this board who goes grocery shopping in person.  I did notice that TJ is less crowded than last month.

I go grocery shopping in early mornings.  Fewer people there before you and currently in store.  Wear mask and gloves.

COVID-19 in aerosol form can stay in the air at viable transmission level for up to 30 mins, so having fewer people there before you makes it safer.  Some claim that the virus can remain airborne for up to 3 hours, but realistically you're not crawling on the floor to inhale the virus as it drops.
momopi said:
Some claim that the virus can remain airborne for up to 3 hours, but realistically you're not crawling on the floor to inhale the virus as it drops.

so shorter people might be at greater risk than taller people?
DBtoOC said:
momopi said:
Some claim that the virus can remain airborne for up to 3 hours, but realistically you're not crawling on the floor to inhale the virus as it drops.

so shorter people might be at greater risk than taller people?

I say buy some stilts for better protection.  Or at least wear high heals if you?re embarrassed by the stilts.