Alarm for stacking doors?

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Burn That Belly said:
So now that I have stacking doors that are like 9 foot tall, does anyone know of a particularly good alarm system for these types of doors? Particularly, I would like ones that detect vibration and/or trip-wire intrusion (like when somebody steps from the yard into the home if the stacking doors were opened).

Anyone tried Simplisafe?

You live in Irvine. No need for alarm systems.
I have Simply Safe on my stacking doors.  Works fine, no major issues and battery life on the sensors seems pretty good.  Had the system 3 years so far and haven't had to change any sensor batteries, only batteries on the sirens and number pads. 

I pay $25 a month (no contract) and I get a text any time my system is armed/disarmed or certain sensors are tripped.  I have sensors on my Master Bedroom and office doors and if I have any contractors doing work in the house, I get a text immediately if either of these doors are open. 
You might want to compare the Simply Safe old version vs. New Version.  They sell both on Amazon.  The new one looks a lot sleeker (sensors are smaller, base station and keypads look more modern), but not sure reviews are as good as the old one.

The old version has been solid for me but does look a bit outdated.