Advice from real-estate agent: ?Owners are moaners, and buyers are liars'

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Advice from a longtime real-estate agent: ?Owners are moaners, and buyers are liars?

The most important thing between an agent is good communication.  I've lost some listings because I've told the seller that their home would sell for between $X and $Y and it should be listed in that range but they ended up going with another agent who listed higher than $Y and those homes sat and sat and eventually sold below $X. 

Also, sellers need to read their listing agreement.  I've met several folks who wanted to cancel their listings with their agent and go with me but didn't realize that the only person that can cancel the listing agreement is the listing broker which is mostly 6 months (I had one person find out they signed a listing agreement for 9 months and another one for 12 months....CRAZY).  Listing agreements show not be more than 3-4 months and can always be easily extended.