Adventure Club Suggestions?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


New member
We need a team of people here who would be interested in organizing more adventure club get-togethers.

Does anyone have any suggestions of things they would like to see or outings they would like to take?

I have received requests from a few of you. A few have been asking if I would organize another Dinner A'Fare event. A couple more people have asked me to set up a trip to the beach somewhere. I have also had requests for family days. Is there any other type of activity you guys would like to see? Share your requests here and whether you would be interested in being an event leader.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1251036607]We need a team of people here who would be interested in organizing more adventure club get-togethers.

Does anyone have any suggestions of things they would like to see or outings they would like to take?

I have received requests from a few of you. A few have been asking if I would organize another Dinner A'Fare event. A couple more people have asked me to set up a trip to the beach somewhere. I have also had requests for family days. Is there any other type of activity you guys would like to see? Share your requests here and whether you would be interested in being an event leader.</blockquote>
Yes, I would like to have a monthly IHB volunteer day....during these hard times I think it would be great if some of us were able to give back to the community because I know that most of us are very fortunate and blessed.
Trojan, that sounds like a great idea. You could count me in for participating. Think about if that is something you would be interested in organizing and let us know!
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1251067421]Trojan, that sounds like a great idea. You could count me in for participating. Think about if that is something you would be interested in organizing and let us know!</blockquote>
Once my consulting project ends sometime in September, I would be very interested in organizing it. That being said, my ex fiance knew of some great organizations to volunteer for so I will need some assistance from the fellow forum members in selecting worthwhile organizations. Over the years I've volunteered my time for Habitat for Humanities, Junior Achievement, CHOC, Humane Society, Schools on Wheels, Hospice, and Meals on Wheels.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1251036607]We need a team of people here who would be interested in organizing more adventure club get-togethers.

Does anyone have any suggestions of things they would like to see or outings they would like to take?

I have received requests from a few of you. A few have been asking if I would organize another Dinner A'Fare event. A couple more people have asked me to set up a trip to the beach somewhere. I have also had requests for family days. Is there any other type of activity you guys would like to see? Share your requests here and whether you would be interested in being an event leader.</blockquote>

I have some ideas...

Visit Pasadena and their craftsman weekend <a href="">Pasadena Heritage Craftsman Weekend</a>

LA Conservancy tours <a href="">LA Conservancy Walking Tours </a>

Habitat for Humanity <a href="">Habitat for Humanity OC</a>

Pasadena RoseBowl Flea Market <a href="">RoseBowl Flea Market </a>

BK would be willing to give a narrative tour of San Marino - "The 10 houses that have influenced the Irvine Ranch"

Would any of these be of interest of anyone? I am sure I can come up with others, these were just off the top of my head. We could make a day of it, have lunch or dinner or whatever and take some time to get to know some other areas.
[quote author="GraceOMalley" date=1251081169][quote author="SoCal78" date=1251036607]We need a team of people here who would be interested in organizing more adventure club get-togethers.

Does anyone have any suggestions of things they would like to see or outings they would like to take?

I have received requests from a few of you. A few have been asking if I would organize another Dinner A'Fare event. A couple more people have asked me to set up a trip to the beach somewhere. I have also had requests for family days. Is there any other type of activity you guys would like to see? Share your requests here and whether you would be interested in being an event leader.</blockquote>

I have some ideas...

Visit Pasadena and their craftsman weekend <a href="">Pasadena Heritage Craftsman Weekend</a>

LA Conservancy tours <a href="">LA Conservancy Walking Tours </a>

Habitat for Humanity <a href="">Habitat for Humanity OC</a>

Pasadena RoseBowl Flea Market <a href="">RoseBowl Flea Market </a>

BK would be willing to give a narrative tour of San Marino - "The 10 houses that have influenced the Irvine Ranch"

Would any of these be of interest of anyone? I am sure I can come up with others, these were just off the top of my head. We could make a day of it, have lunch or dinner or whatever and take some time to get to know some other areas.</blockquote>
Those are some great suggestions. I really believe that volunteering your time really makes you realize on how "rich" and fortunate you really are, at least that's how it made me feel and it's time to do it again for me. I hope that these volunteering opportunities bring out some of the lurkers on the forum and those folks that are a bit shy about coming to the IHB gatherings. The challenge will be finding a good day/time where many of us would be able to volunteer our time with all our other professional, personal, and family obligations. Maybe we could also find some volunteering opportunities where the folks that have school aged kids can bring them out to help as well (I know that several private schools require students to complete a certain number of hours of volunteer time in order to graduate).
All of the suggestions sound good. I like T's volunteer idea. However, I have to admit I was a little disappointed. I had my heart set on you teaching us how to race car drive. :)

I once offered to do a walking tour of Fullerton's historic neighborhoods but no one responded. :down: I'd still be willing. I think it would be fun to on Thursday night when they have the festival and farmers market in the downtown area. The festival has a kid zone with bouncers and such and for the adults there is a beer and wine garden and live music.

T, so how did you do teaching the kids finance with Junior Achievement? My first time was an utter disaster. After that experience I was convienced teachers were super humans. My first time was for an accelerated lesson plan in 1 day. Normally, it is spread our over several weeks. Trying to keep the kids focused of finance for the entire day was such challenge. Three hours into it I starting praying the regular teacher would come back and save me. LOL
I had some other ideas when BK and I went out to lunch.

The Huntington Library - <a href="">Huntington</a>

The Arboretum - <a href="">Los Angeles</a>

A picnic at <a href="">Oaks Canyon Private Park</a>

LA Farmers Market/The Grove <a href="">LA Farmers Market </a>

Each of these places have other events that the outing could be piggybacked with. And I have been trying to think of things that are family friendly. Any event that I have listed here I would be interested in organizing.
This <a href="">thread</a> inspired an adventure idea for Graph to lead. All the people with open house horror stories can join the King of Snark for a live open house tour and showdown with various realtards.
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1251111486]This <a href="">thread</a> inspired an adventure idea for Graph to lead. All the people with open house horror stories can join the King of Snark for a live open house tour and showdown with various realtards.</blockquote>
Haha...I'd be down to call out the idiots. We can call it the IHB open house tour of reality. I'll have my MLS access so I can start quoting off real comps and make the realtors look like the idiots that they really are.
A "realtor critique" outing could be a real hoot! It would be interesting to see some realtard freak out at a pack of knowledgeable IHB's going into critique mode on pricing, construction, layout, decor, marketing ...
Group trip to the UCI Farmer's Market? I need incentive to be out of the house at 8 am on a Saturday.

And, um, maybe... <em>maybe</em> I would open our place for us to fix a group lunch with our finds. Some inspiration can be found <a href=";">here</a>.
i like a casual IHB bbq type get together in the day/afternoon, versus the night bar/restuarant scene... I'll be all up for hosting, organizing, btw...

I been meaning to design an IHB scavenger hunt, where we have to go to the various locals that BK featured on his ranch picture guessing game...

a good old IHB LAN Party is in order... someone has to have a house large enough for like 10-15 PCs... or maybe a club house somewhere...

I'm up for volunteering, for the holidays... I'll post some opportunities...

IHB Halloween get-together at the haunted house is in order also
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1251038560][quote author="SoCal78" date=1251036607]We need a team of people here who would be interested in organizing more adventure club get-togethers.

Does anyone have any suggestions of things they would like to see or outings they would like to take?

I have received requests from a few of you. A few have been asking if I would organize another Dinner A'Fare event. A couple more people have asked me to set up a trip to the beach somewhere. I have also had requests for family days. Is there any other type of activity you guys would like to see? Share your requests here and whether you would be interested in being an event leader.</blockquote>
Yes, I would like to have a monthly IHB volunteer day....during these hard times I think it would be great if some of us were able to give back to the community because I know that most of us are very fortunate and blessed.</blockquote>
We have a good friend who is a counselor at Families Forward, which I know helps many families in distress in Orange County, and in Irvine in particular (they are located in Irvine). If you were interested in something like this I could ask her about group volunteer opportunities.

<a href="">Families Forward Volunteer FAQ's</a>
[quote author="CK" date=1251156695]We have a good friend who is a counselor at Families Forward, which I know helps many families in distress in Orange County, and in Irvine in particular (they are located in Irvine). If you were interested in something like this I could ask her about group volunteer opportunities.

<a href="">Families Forward Volunteer FAQ's</a></blockquote>
Yeah CK, that sounds like a great volunteering opportunity...follow up with her on how we would go about having a group volunteer day.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1251171130]

Yeah CK, that sounds like a great volunteering opportunity...follow up with her on how we would go about having a group volunteer day.</blockquote>

It looks like the sign up process is pretty well documented on the website. Before I contact my friend to discuss in any detail, I'll wait until our Adventure Club coordinator (SoCal) confirms that this is indeed the option she would like to pursue --- and if so...what the participation would be. I imagine they would have different activities depending on the size of your group.
[quote author="CK" date=1251179636]Before I contact my friend to discuss in any detail, I'll wait until our Adventure Club coordinator (SoCal) confirms that this is indeed the option she would like to pursue.</blockquote>

Sounds good to me... whatever you all would like to do. If that is something you think you would like to coordinate with your friend who works there, you may want to contact Zovall and ask him to give you "Event Leader" status so that the Adventure Club page will let you input the information to create the event. It might be nice to get a few balls rolling here since we have so many good ideas. Ck, do you want to talk to your friend and find out some more details such as what windows of availability they have, hours, duties and such? Then if you want to post it here (or under a new thread), we can gauge approximately how many might volunteer before scheduling. Just a thought. Thanks for offering.
Do you think Zovall and IR would mind posting up these volunteering opportunities on the blog and in the water cooler sections of the forum? I'd like to get a good participation of folks, including some of the bloggers and lurkers.