9.4 million Americans on unemployment

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With high unemployment getting higher all the time and no new high paying jobs out there to be found let alone any full time jobs period what is going to happen to a lot of these folks when the unemployment runs out here in the next year. I know demand for welfare and food stamps are starting to go through the roof as people are using these resources after the uneployment has run out but millions of people with little to no work it is going to be some real scary times here in a couple of years...Hey but talk to a Real Estate agent and now is the time to buy:)


<a href="http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2009/07/unemployment-claims-how-bad-are-real.html">http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2009/07/unemployment-claims-how-bad-are-real.html</a>

I think Mish is an idiot a lot of times, but I think this post is pretty soild.

<blockquote>Furthermore, the jobs picture is even worse than it looks. The US consumer was nowhere near as leveraged to real estate in 1980 as now. Also note that boomers are heading into retirement now, undercapitalized and looking for jobs, in effect competing against their kids and grandkids for jobs.

Look at the average age of baggers in grocery stores or greeters at Walmart. These people are not working because they want to; they are working because they have to. Demand for jobs is at an all time high while the number of available jobs and the pay scales of those jobs have both collapsed. The employment situation is not only an unmitigated disaster, things are about to get even worse with pending state cutbacks.

[quote author="stepping_up" date=1247297796]

Awgee is a mod now, cool!</blockquote>

He has been for a while now. Where have ya been?! :)
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1247298333][quote author="stepping_up" date=1247297796]

Awgee is a mod now, cool!</blockquote>

He has been for a while now. Where have ya been?! :)</blockquote>

Working too much... miss 3/4 of the threads.
[quote author="springmom" date=1247665575]And unfortunately I just joined them. Got laid off today.</blockquote>
Sorry to hear about that Springmom. Keep your head up and keep a positive attitude!
NYT story today about U6. <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/15/business/economy/15leonhardt.html?_r=1&ref=business">Leonhardt on U6</a>

23.5% in OR, 20% in CA.

It is amazing to me that 1/4 of the people in CA are not able to get a full-time job, and it barely registers over the stories about MJ, harry potter, and the latest carjacking (these were the stories on the teevee news last night!).
[quote author="freedomCM" date=1247708054]NYT story today about U6.

23.5% in OR, 20% in CA.

It is amazing to me that 1/4 of the people in CA are not able to get a full-time job, and it barely registers over the stories about MJ, harry potter, and the latest carjacking (these were the stories on the teevee news last night!).</blockquote>
They aren't talking about it on CNBC either...they are too busy talking about green shoots and v-shaped recoveries.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1247708243][quote author="freedomCM" date=1247708054]NYT story today about U6.

23.5% in OR, 20% in CA.

It is amazing to me that 1/4 of the people in CA are not able to get a full-time job, and it barely registers over the stories about MJ, harry potter, and the latest carjacking (these were the stories on the teevee news last night!).</blockquote>
They aren't talking about it on CNBC either...they are too busy talking about green shoots and v-shaped recoveries.</blockquote>

The media i think was turning everyone off with all the negative press and maybe a little political pressure also. I keep reading still about big job cuts, record high BK's, they expect up to 4.5 million homes to be get a NOD this year and on and on and a lot of this info is stuffed way in the back of the paper and never really reported on as much. I think they are trying to quell the fear out there and portray that all is well. Though the zinger today was the Fed reporting that jobs will continue to slide for years and that it may be 6 or 7 years before we start seeing some health in the job market and the economy...yikes and i was just watering my imaginary green shoots yesterday.