9.25% Sales Tax in O.C.

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="awgee" date=1226047780]

No Vas - Part of his plan is to reinstate the vehicle license fees.</blockquote>

It's four BILLION too low compared to where it was under Pete Wilson.

<blockquote>$12 increase in annual vehicle registration fees. </blockquote>

<a href="http://ocbiz.freedomblogging.com/2008/11/06/schwarzenegger-wants-925-sales-tax-in-oc/4502/">http://ocbiz.freedomblogging.com/2008/11/06/schwarzenegger-wants-925-sales-tax-in-oc/4502/</a>

You want four billion? Here's four billion!

<a href="http://igs.berkeley.edu/library/htCAVehicleLicense2003.html">http://igs.berkeley.edu/library/htCAVehicleLicense2003.html</a>

Gray Davis followed the law, did the unpopular, and Karl Rove and Daryl Issa knifed him for his trouble. Now, five years later, Arnold says "things are much different now". No, jerky, they are exactly the same - except they aren't. The Republicans kicked the can down the road and made it worse!

I wonder what Gray Davis' reservoir of schandenfreud looks like.
[quote author="skek" date=1226051456](He earned my vote for Governor during the recall election and certainly would have done a better job that Arnold.)</blockquote>

Vas, I need to borrow your pic Hell freezing over. Skek and I voted for the same guy at the same time. Different reasons, but still...
In addition to reinstating the Vehicle License Fee to its full two percent, the State also needs to change the child exemption (or was it a credit?) to what it was before the tech bubble surplus. The fact is, the State is collecting revenue at the rate it was when we had a surplus, except that we no longer have the surplus. :shut:
[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1226057122][quote author="skek" date=1226051456](He earned my vote for Governor during the recall election and certainly would have done a better job that Arnold.)</blockquote>

Vas, I need to borrow your pic Hell freezing over. Skek and I voted for the same guy at the same time. Different reasons, but still...</blockquote>

Yeah... we really need that pic. I voted for the same guy at the same time Eva and Skek did. Probably for some of the same reasons Eva did, and some of the same reasons Skek did, but... no... seriously, we need that pic.
[quote author="skek" date=1226059848]Eva gets an extra thank-you because she posted first.

I'm curious, Eva, why did you vote for McClintock for Governor?</blockquote>

On further reflection, had I been here during the recall election, I might have been tempted to vote for Gary Coleman.
[quote author="skek" date=1226059848]Eva gets an extra thank-you because she posted first.

I'm curious, Eva, why did you vote for McClintock for Governor?</blockquote>

First, there was no way in God's creation that I was going to vote for Cruz Bustamante. Given that, I needed to figure out who was a serious candidate that wouldn't bollix things up until the next general election. I thought that a vote for McClintock was a vote for gridlock because you just <em>know</em> that he and the Lege would never agree on anything.

I'm kinda surprised you didn't vote for Schwarzie. You kind of struck me as a <a href="http://oc.thenewmajority.com/">New Majority</a> type.
[quote author="Nude" date=1226055392][quote author="skek" date=1226050431]California is broke. We need to tear it up and start over. Everything should be on the table.

Sadly, we need a charismatic bipartisan leader to steward the revolution -- someone who commands a firm mandate from the people, someone who can scare the crap out of the career politicians in Sacramento. Anyone see any contenders? I don't.

The fact that every single bond measure on the ballot wasn't beaten by 40% (and that a couple actually passed) is an indicator to me that Californians don't yet realize how badly we've mismanaged the state.</blockquote>
You could start with scrapping that ridiculous process for allowing a direct connection between the voter and the law known as the ballot initiative. Despite popular opinion, this country was set up as a federal republic to avoid the exact kind of short-sighted stupidity embodied in Props 13, 98, and now 8.

<span style="font-size: 11px;">Edited to appease the numbers nazi</span></blockquote>

Nude, <a href="http://www.ppic.org/content/pubs/jtf/JTF_InitiativeJTF.pdf">I have very bad news for you on that front.</a>
[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1226062207][quote author="Nude" date=1226055392][quote author="skek" date=1226050431]California is broke. We need to tear it up and start over. Everything should be on the table.

Sadly, we need a charismatic bipartisan leader to steward the revolution -- someone who commands a firm mandate from the people, someone who can scare the crap out of the career politicians in Sacramento. Anyone see any contenders? I don't.

The fact that every single bond measure on the ballot wasn't beaten by 40% (and that a couple actually passed) is an indicator to me that Californians don't yet realize how badly we've mismanaged the state.</blockquote>
You could start with scrapping that ridiculous process for allowing a direct connection between the voter and the law known as the ballot initiative. Despite popular opinion, this country was set up as a federal republic to avoid the exact kind of short-sighted stupidity embodied in Props 13, 98, and now 8.

<span style="font-size: 11px;">Edited to appease the numbers nazi</span></blockquote>

Nude, <a href="http://www.ppic.org/content/pubs/jtf/JTF_InitiativeJTF.pdf">I have very bad news for you on that front.</a></blockquote>

Please don't tell me someone paid good money to have that studied. It stands to reason that people who vote themselves whatever goofy thing they can imagine would like being able to do so. Government by the lowest common denominator, great for everyone!
[quote author="skek" date=1226050431]California is broke. We need to tear it up and start over. Everything should be on the table.</blockquote>

In explaining the ungovernable character of the French nation, Charles de Gaulle reportedly said, "Nobody can easily bring together a nation that has 265 kinds of cheese."

<a href="http://www.realcaliforniacheese.com/node/113">Just sayin'.</a>
[quote author="skek" date=1226065718][quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1226062127]I'm kinda surprised you didn't vote for Schwarzie. You kind of struck me as a <a href="http://oc.thenewmajority.com/">New Majority</a> type.</blockquote>

Nope, I was leery of Arnold, even when it was clear that it was him or Cruz. (Eva, you have my eternal respect for at least drawing the line at voting for Cruz "I'm qualified to be insurance commissioner because I lost weight" Bustamante.) Funny that WINEX mentioned Gary Coleman. During the recall campaign, I asked a fellow Republican to explain to me the substantive differences in their qualifications such that one was getting millions in PAC money and the other was a bad punchline. In return, I got "married to Maria Shriver" and "President's Council on Physical Fitness." I also got "he's our only chance." Be careful what you wish for.

Republicans are conservatives, and conservatism is based on certain ideals. When someone doesn't understand or embrace those ideals and yet governs as a Republican, he or she can do great damage to the party's perception in the public. See, e.g., George W. Bush, Republican Congress (2000-2006) and Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneger.

Nothing against New Majority, though. A fine organization. But they have adopted a "do what we can to win" mentality in California, and that means supporting RINOs from time to time. I'd rather lose on principle. And in the end, I don't think conservative ideals necessarily have to lose in California.</blockquote>

On a more serious note, while Schwarzenegger's life story is compelling, there is a disturbing note in that life story. When asked about how he became a Republican, he traced his political belief system to a speech that Richard Nixon gave during the RNC. Forget Watergate. I can't think of anyone who I consider Republican that traces that belief system to Nixon. He certainly wasn't what I would consider to be a conservative.
I'm glad that Arnold is raising the sales tax, but I think he should raise it 25% so we can get closer to the fair tax that so many people seem to want.
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1226053838][quote author="freedomCM" date=1226047536]you forgot, he could cut schools too. they are half of the budget.

sure, laying off lots of teachers isn't popular, and will increase the ranks of the unemployed.

of course, i'm sure you can find lots of 'waste and abuse' in the typical schools budget. just cut that.</blockquote>

They are cutting the schools. My husband works with school districts and he's really worried about them and this is a guy who says I'm the liberal in the house, i.e. who's bumbling the money. One thing that many people don't realize is how much it costs to educate the special needs kids. The typical kid costs 6K-10K per year to educate, the special needs kids are often $60K and can be as high as $100K. The law states that every child is entitled to an education and the district has to provide it. In the poorer districts there are an even higher percentage of these special needs kids.

If they do their paperwork right, the Federal gov't covers half, but that's still a lot for the districts to pick up. If they don't do the paperwork, or do it right, then it's 100% their cost.</blockquote>

the school funding debate is tricky... there is often funding available it just depends on the district and more importantly the administrators in that district. my cousin has spent years teaching in both compton and inglewood. the poorer districts get so much extra funding and the attention of private foundations. few yrs ago the gates foundation gave every student in their school a new laptop. she said the laptops sat locked in closets for yrs because the school didn't have any plan for how to utilize the technology nor did they have teachers that knew how to use/teach with them. that same yr compton hi installed a new half million dollar projection system in their auditorium. no one knew how to operate it. she says when they finally fired the thing up one day they realized there were additional parts (some sort of mirrors) required with projector that whoever ordered the system didn't bother to get. not that there was a need for the projection system to begin with, it just somehow managed to be in the budget. half million bucks of waste right there, by a school most people would consider under-resourced.
[quote author="skek" date=1226050431]Sadly, we need a charismatic bipartisan leader to steward the revolution -- someone who commands a firm mandate from the people, someone who can scare the crap out of the career politicians in Sacramento. Anyone see any contenders? I don't.


arnold schwarzenegger?

saddam hussein?
[quote author="skek" date=1226050431]Sadly, we need a charismatic bipartisan leader to steward the revolution -- someone who commands a firm mandate from the people, someone who can scare the crap out of the career politicians in Sacramento. Anyone see any contenders? I don't.


<img src="http://www.ipoplaya.com/ir5.jpg" alt="" />
