"4 weeks and then all hell breaks loose"

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="CapitalismWorks" date=1251874585]Solid info, stats, debate, insults, funny pictures... It <strong>almost</strong> had it all!</blockquote>

Fixed that for you.

<img src="http://www.guy-sports.com/fun_pictures/ostrich_head_sand2.gif" alt="" />

Okay, now we're good.
[quote author="graphrix" date=1251872547][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251872057]You (Graphrix) have no ability to self-assess. You are a flaming aggressor. Awgee is just passive-aggressive.

Lest you forget: I jumped into the conversation in utter disgust at the taunts you and Awgee were making towards Robert and Geotpf.</blockquote>


See hypocrite, you just proved with this post even more than before... that is what you are.</blockquote>

Alright, I have to admit... that picture was funny.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1251874928]Well maybe just for you kids, we can create a thread entitled "Schoolyard Antics" and move it to the Water Cooler section. Then you boys can go slap each other around all you want over there while keeping the conversation on topic here for the adults. Perhaps that would suit everyone well.</blockquote>
I dunno... every time I try to stay on topic... I get accused of crossing some imaginary jackal-line.

Lucky for geo and RobLar... they have someone to save them from the horrible taunts of the Internets.

Back to the juice:

1. Pre-shadow, shadow, me and my shadow... whatever... I can't imagine in this economy that all the distressed properties as a result of the bubble bursting, job losses and stricter guidelines are all out there and accounted for. The numbers just don't make sense (but then again... I don't understand well).

2. Does everyone understand there are reasons why banks would hold onto properties even if they say they are not? PM CapWorks, Graph or awgee for the 3-part lesson.

3. Loan mods are ineffective. Just like $8000 tax credit. Sheesh... that's less than double Cash for Clunkers and even $150k Tustin condos cost 6 times a new car... keep throwing my pennies in the ocean and hope to make a wave.

4. This thread is 4 weeks out and nothing so far. Maybe geo, RobLar and NewSkip are right and we should go out there and buy while we can.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1251796578][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251794584] The property at 4 Berkshire closed escrow last year, on 11/10/2008</blockquote>
Where are you coming up with this?

<a href="http://www.redfin.com/CA/Aliso-Viejo/4-Berkshire-92656/home/4872343">http://www.redfin.com/CA/Aliso-Viejo/4-Berkshire-92656/home/4872343</a>

Property History

Date Event Price Appreciation Source

Aug 18, 2008 Sold $576,000 -8.1%/yr Public Records

Jul 28, 2005 Sold $745,000 21.2%/yr Public Records

Sep 27, 2002 Sold $432,000 14.5%/yr Public Records

Dec 30, 1997 Sold $227,500 -- Public Records

<a href="http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4-Berkshire-Aliso-Viejo-CA-92656/25550528_zpid/">http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4-Berkshire-Aliso-Viejo-CA-92656/25550528_zpid/</a>

Last sale and tax info

Sold 08/18/2008: $576,000

2008 Property Tax: $8,339

I swear you are making this up!</blockquote>

It seem only the MLS shows 4 Berkshire closing escrow.

Why did Redfin miss this ?
I wasn't saying now is the time to buy for everyone, it depends on a few factors such as location and price range. My whole point was don't expect to see a flood of foreclosures, or an artifically propped up market.
[quote author="RobertLarsen" date=1251878665]I wasn't saying now is the time to buy for everyone. My whole point was don't expect to see a flood of foreclosures, or an artifically propped up market.</blockquote>

Directly from BofA:

<em>Now that Making Home Affordable programs are operational,<strong> we do project an increase in foreclosures</strong> as we exhaust every available option to qualify customers for modifications and other solutions.</em>

Are you willing to make a friendly wager on it? Because August is looking like it will shape up to be as bad as July, and the following months will be worse.
I don't think this trend is going to break
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<legend> Attached files </legend> <a href="http://www.talkirvine.com/converted_files/images/forum_attachments/422_TwIKeUjy6G12eXU1xtK7.jpg"><img src="http://www.talkirvine.com/converted_files/images/forum_attachments/422_TwIKeUjy6G12eXU1xtK7.jpg" class="gc-images" title="auction-notices-chart-blog-size.jpg" style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
[quote author="graphrix" date=1251879056][quote author="RobertLarsen" date=1251878665]I wasn't saying now is the time to buy for everyone. My whole point was don't expect to see a flood of foreclosures, or an artifically propped up market.</blockquote>

Directly from BofA:

<em>Now that Making Home Affordable programs are operational,<strong> we do project an increase in foreclosures</strong> as we exhaust every available option to qualify customers for modifications and other solutions.</em>

Are you willing to make a friendly wager on it? Because August is looking like it will shape up to be as bad as July, and the following months will be worse.</blockquote>

Graph, look at my previous posts. Use the search function, it's on the top right! haha just kidding.

Like i said before, I think that there will be an increase in foreclosure from this point, but it will not be the flood that so many have predicted. And I would say that we are relatively up-to-date with the existing REO inventory, and there is no huge backlog, except for the 1-3 month old foreclosures still in the pipeline. Better to have REos on the market, than short sales.
[quote author="xoneinax" date=1251876303][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1251796578][quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251794584] The property at 4 Berkshire closed escrow last year, on 11/10/2008</blockquote>
Where are you coming up with this?

<a href="http://www.redfin.com/CA/Aliso-Viejo/4-Berkshire-92656/home/4872343">http://www.redfin.com/CA/Aliso-Viejo/4-Berkshire-92656/home/4872343</a>

Property History

Date Event Price Appreciation Source

Aug 18, 2008 Sold $576,000 -8.1%/yr Public Records

Jul 28, 2005 Sold $745,000 21.2%/yr Public Records

Sep 27, 2002 Sold $432,000 14.5%/yr Public Records

Dec 30, 1997 Sold $227,500 -- Public Records

<a href="http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4-Berkshire-Aliso-Viejo-CA-92656/25550528_zpid/">http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4-Berkshire-Aliso-Viejo-CA-92656/25550528_zpid/</a>

Last sale and tax info

Sold 08/18/2008: $576,000

2008 Property Tax: $8,339

I swear you are making this up!</blockquote>

It seem only the MLS shows 4 Berkshire closing escrow.

Why did Redfin miss this ?</blockquote>

The most obvious answer is it never closed and the MLS is wrong. I'm not saying it's the only answer........
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1251884597]The most obvious answer is it never closed and the MLS is wrong. I'm not saying it's the only answer........</blockquote>
Skippy is not going to like those apples
[quote author="xoneinax" date=1251886050][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1251884597]The most obvious answer is it never closed and the MLS is wrong. I'm not saying it's the only answer........</blockquote>
Skippy is not going to like those apples</blockquote>

Document number: 527222

Maybe it went back to the bank? I'm a little confused by it as well. Because title shows the 11/10/2008 purchase, but as of 4/15/2009 JPM owns the property again. And to top, a loan was recorded on the property on 7/30/2009 by Bank of America. To know for 100% certainty, I would need to contact title. But there was definitely a purchase on 11/10/2008. Is it so hard to believe redfin is wrong?
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251436023]I've been watching this pissing match for a few weeks now, and I gotta say it's stupid.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251436219]I thought you were the braintrust, the way you are idolized here!</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251438388]You don't have the goods to back up the swagger, bud!</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251439253]I've been watching how you treat people (like Robert), so I was expecting that nothing reply of yours. Your "analysis" was a little short on the "ysis". Stop berating people who know as much or more than you do.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251496332]No-Vaseline, I wouldn't say you were a liar, but I would say you are confused. I'd say you are exagerrating.

making friends was the last thing on my mind.

And lastly, the search feature here is worthless.


[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251582209]Focus Graphrix, focus!

I'm still waiting to see you prove your brilliance. You can do it!</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251583832]"you?re not disproving this brain-thrust (spelled correctly this time for you) are you now when more and more and more and more and more and more factual data comes out proving you are just full of? well? Kool-Aid filled air. ROFL! Dopes!"


[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251623562]Awgee, it took me one call and 2 minutes to have this emailed to me:

You should pretend to be more humble. Your bad attitude isn't working for you.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251623819]

You really don't have a clue what you are talking about. You should be ashamed of your bad attitude and complete lack of manners.

(After seeing your disgusting comments on Ted Kennedy, I guess this lack of class is your own personal albatross)</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251624986]Graphrix, Graphrix, Graphrix, you did not let me down. That's one cringe-worthy post you put up there! For real? You sound like a 14 year old with a narcissistic personality disorder. You put me down as not adding value when what I added had three times the sophistication of your hopelessly shallow "there's your shadow inventory, bitches" analysis? Are you for real? All you've done is prove your complete inability to stay on topic. So, you have a lifetime "Get out of jail free" card because you saw the bubble? What the hell are you "right" about anyway? This is a thread that you added no value whatsover to.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251794584]Graphrix, I don't want to call you lazy, that would not be cool. However, your list is a joke. What Robert put up was twice the effort and three times the value of what you added.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251796115] Your list is officially garbage.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251800664]Graphrix, you are both a poor debater and worse, a poor loser. I will get you evidence on every property in the morning. Practice humility.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251801907]

A person who isn't lazy could have found this.

You know, you bring this on yourself. You have a very bad attitude.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251804134]Your pissant attitude doesn't change a thing.I posted other data and it didn't print right....making one more thing you are wrong about. You have serious emotional issues.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251804397]

Illiterate too, huh?</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251804721]Buy your own data services. I gave the listing and the closing records, including document number.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251845718] Graphrix is by far the nastiest person I've ever encountered on the internet.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251857123]

I swear, I'm not trying to be testy. You all come off like a pack of jackals! You should hear yourselves!


[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251867132]You are crossing the line into jackal territory.

I am as qualified to judge as any 10 of you combined. Based upon the loads of misinformation here, I am astonished at your confidence in your peers. Then again, you yourself do not understand things well.</blockquote>

[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251872057]You (Graphrix) have no ability to self-assess. You are a flaming aggressor. Awgee is just passive-aggressive.

Lest you forget: I jumped into the conversation in utter disgust at the taunts you and Awgee were making towards Robert and Geotpf.</blockquote>

Would it be passive-agressive of me to suggest you look in a mirror?
[quote author="RobertLarsen" date=1251887795]Wow... I admire your hardwork awgee. That post must have taken some work... at least to me it would have.</blockquote>

Gee, I thought it would there would be about five or six posts to copy and it would take about two or three minutes. I had no idea.
[quote author="RobertLarsen" date=1251887620][quote author="xoneinax" date=1251886050][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1251884597]The most obvious answer is it never closed and the MLS is wrong. I'm not saying it's the only answer........</blockquote>
Skippy is not going to like those apples</blockquote>

Document number: 527222

Maybe it went back to the bank? I'm a little confused by it as well. Because title shows the 11/10/2008 purchase, but as of 4/15/2009 JPM owns the property again. And to top, a loan was recorded on the property on 7/30/2009 by Bank of America. To know for 100% certainty, I would need to contact title. But there was definitely a purchase on 11/10/2008. Is it so hard to believe redfin is wrong?</blockquote>

Redfin isn't wrong - I cited another source with identical data. They usually pick up title changes in days. Is the county backed up? Was it never recorded? ???!!!!???
Yes, that's very impressive. You have graduated out of passive-aggressive into aggressive. (I like that better, it is so much more honorable.) Of course, it would be far more meaningful if you had the stomach bile that accompanied it from the other side. Maybe I should introduce you to yourself, you would be so proud.

On 4 Berkshire, the last deed was a "Receiver's Deed" and the sale happened on a "Grant Deed". The last recordation appears to be some kind of formality, possibly to correct an error.

The list was, is and always will be corrupt.
Redfin is a lousy source of data. That's one of the reasons why the "Redfin Test" is such bullshit.
[quote author="NewportSkipper" date=1251889522]Redfin is a lousy source of data. That's one of the reasons why the "Redfin Test" is such bullshit.</blockquote>

Okay, give me a better source of public records to search.

C'mon Skippy, you can do it!