3CG Drought

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


Well-known member
I have a Redfin search that looks for 3-car garage homes in Irvine. Just on a whim I expanded my search to a 5/3, 3-car, max $1.25m, built 1990 and above and searched all of Orange County.

The map had dots all over it except for guess where? Yep. Irvine.

So I took out the 1990 build date and still no hits in Irvine. It wasn't until I made the top end $1.5m, I got something to show up in Irvine.

So for every bear who gave me a hard time on the IHB about 3-car garage homes not holding their value in Irvine... can you explain why there is a huge hole in my Redfin map?
And why mostly the Irvine ones? The permabears over at the IHB always got on me on how ugly Irvine 3CG homes are yet you can't buy one for less than $1.25m on the "open" market. It's almost like a commodity that I should have "held"... hehe.
Stuff It said:
IrvineRealtor said:
Some never make it to market, and are sold before they ever get to the MLS.

How do you get to buy one of those properties?

I'll give you a hint (two, actually):
1. It is not by blabbing on teh intarwebs about it.
2. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

So these came back on the market:
$999k, 5/2.75 3471sfhttp://www.redfin.com/CA/Irvine/6-Indiana-92606/home/4677228http://floorplans.irvinerealtorsite.com/Walnut/Cambridge/CambridgeN3211.JPG

$999k, 5/2.75 3748sfhttp://www.redfin.com/CA/Irvine/8-Tioga-Pl-92602/home/4792160http://floorplans.irvinerealtorsite.com/WestIrvine/Legacy/LegacyE3683.JPG

Both are huge and well under the HK Collection pricing per sft. Tioga even has a pool and no MR/HOAs... so does anyone know what happened? Seems like both fell out of escrow.

Found another under $1m 3CG in Northwood (if I lower bathroom count to 2+, more show up):

$958,800 (8s!) 5/2.5 3294sfhttp://www.redfin.com/CA/Irvine/15-Urbino-92620/home/4788204http://floorplans.irvinerealtorsite.com/Northwood/Windstream/WindstreamE3294.JPG

It doesn't have the downstairs bedroom but it does have some of the things that have grown extinct in newer floorplans like the wet bar (SoCal!), a conversation pit, a bonus room with a wet bar and the master retreat. This also looks like a fallout.

Now if only we can get these down to $700k (and of course while I'm wishing I should ask to lose weight and become the starting PG for an NBA franchise).