<p>Eva, let's just save each other the hassle of verifying sources and stipulate that The Left(tm) thinks Iraq (and defense spending, in general) is a waste of time, money, and lives and that The Right(tm) feels the same way about Democrats. </p>
<p>You could have named any one of a dozen boondoggles being financed by taxes and I would have been critical for the exact same reason: The current leadership and holder of the purse-strings (Pelosi, et al) isn't talking about cutting government spending to offset the reduction in revenue from a tax that was never meant to be levied on the people who will be payng it, they are talking about increasing taxes. If your income doesn't match your expenses, you either get another job, or get a better job, or you QUIT SPENDING SO DAMN MUCH!</p>
<p>Again... one standard being applied to homeowners, brokers, and bankers, another for people who are elected to fulfill the promises of the founding fathers, both of whom are spending other people's money.</p>
<p>jw, our spending relative to the world is completely irrelevant. The second best defense still lives in fear of number one and given a choice between the available options, I'll always support being the top dog. I was actually referring to the numbers purporting that the Pentagon accounts for 1/3 of our budget. According to the CBO numbers, the total defense budget in 2006 was $520 Billion, total spent was $2655.4 Billion which appears to be about 1/5, not 1/3. And for 2006, the CBO estimates Iraq AND Afghanistan was 20% of that total. Now, I have a question for you: Last year the Federal government spent 460 Billion dollars in "domestic discretionary funds", and that is on top of what the individual states, counties, and cities are also spending; why?</p>