30 Senators who like Rape pillaging and Rape

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These old grumpy Republican men in the Senate need to be taken behind the wood shed and beaten. And now Republicans are stalling the extension of unemployment insurance twice while 7000 people ever day lose their long term benefits with no jobs and are losing their houses, cars and sending American families into the streets. Cash for clunkers passed in 4 days but not helping Americans in a depression. i am very ashamed to be a Republican as they do give a crap about the American people and their voting proves it. I am done with them.

Wow, what a misleading and completely false article. The GOP voted down an amendment requiring different treatment of one kind of contractor compared to others, specifically those who wish to arbitrate sexual abuse/assault/discrimination cases rather than settle them in court. Arbitration does not necessarily mean "cover up", no matter how badly you want it to be so. No one is defending rape or even ignoring it, but they are opposing an unequal standard (which wouldn't stand up in a court challenge anyway, so the point is moot) that a junior Senator tried to introduce. What happened to that poor woman in Iraq was tragic, but as far as I can tell she willingly signed a contract. Al Franken would be better served trying to get those contractors to amend the problem areas with the contracts and voluntarily turning over any evidence to the proper authorities.

As for unemployment benefits... how long shall we subsidize the unemployed when we're so far in debt that their grandchildren will still be paying of the cost of their extended benefits? Wouldn't it simply be easier just to allow special withdrawals from retirement accounts or move them directly to the welfare rolls?
I'm with Nude. The alternative to unemployment was far superior.

<img src="http://therealbarackobama.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/bread-lines1.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://minnesota.publicradio.org/collections/special/columns/news_cut/content_images/bread_line_depression.jpg" alt="" />

Now that I've made a strawman out of Nude's argument, I'm going to give a legitamate solution to our debt problem: continue to weaken the dollar and re-establish what made the US great - agriculture and manufacturing based on EXPORTS not consumption.
<a href="http://www.yorapper.com/Photos/you-gonna-get-raped-yorapper.jpg">The picture I want to post but I'm not going to - don't click if you lack a sense of humor or are easily disturbed. You were warned.</a>

<img src="http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/e5hansej/1191562906039.png" alt="" />
[quote author="Nude" date=1255938900]Wow, what a misleading and completely false article. The GOP voted down an amendment requiring different treatment of one kind of contractor compared to others, specifically those who wish to arbitrate sexual abuse/assault/discrimination cases rather than settle them in court. Arbitration does not necessarily mean "cover up", no matter how badly you want it to be so. No one is defending rape or even ignoring it, but they are opposing an unequal standard (which wouldn't stand up in a court challenge anyway, so the point is moot) that a junior Senator tried to introduce. What happened to that poor woman in Iraq was tragic, but as far as I can tell she willingly signed a contract. Al Franken would be better served trying to get those contractors to amend the problem areas with the contracts and voluntarily turning over any evidence to the proper authorities.

As for unemployment benefits... how long shall we subsidize the unemployed when we're so far in debt that their grandchildren will still be paying of the cost of their extended benefits? Wouldn't it simply be easier just to allow special withdrawals from retirement accounts or move them directly to the welfare rolls?</blockquote>
[quote author="OCCOBRA" date=1255974671][quote author="Nude" date=1255938900]Wow, what a misleading and completely false article. The GOP voted down an amendment requiring different treatment of one kind of contractor compared to others, specifically those who wish to arbitrate sexual abuse/assault/discrimination cases rather than settle them in court. Arbitration does not necessarily mean "cover up", no matter how badly you want it to be so. No one is defending rape or even ignoring it, but they are opposing an unequal standard (which wouldn't stand up in a court challenge anyway, so the point is moot) that a junior Senator tried to introduce. What happened to that poor woman in Iraq was tragic, but as far as I can tell she willingly signed a contract. Al Franken would be better served trying to get those contractors to amend the problem areas with the contracts and voluntarily turning over any evidence to the proper authorities.

As for unemployment benefits... how long shall we subsidize the unemployed when we're so far in debt that their grandchildren will still be paying of the cost of their extended benefits? Wouldn't it simply be easier just to allow special withdrawals from retirement accounts or move them directly to the welfare rolls?</blockquote>

So because of procedure and a bad conract rape is ok! Nice. Arbitration is a cope out and you know it and having people sign it is taking advantage of people especially if they have no choice. The rebublicans are in a tailspin as we are in another great deppression and once again the republicans do not care about the american people and woud save banks, wall street, AIG, Fannia and freddie Mae and FHA is comming rather than give a lifeline to Americans during a deppression. That same jack ass attitude kept them from controling both houses of congress from 1933 to 1995 other than one year in 1947. So i sense the GOP is on another decades long losing streak. Oh, if congress does not continue unemployment benifits 1.3 million people will lose thier benifits by the end of the year and not be spend meaning consumer spending will drop and with 100 to 200 thousand people each month behind them good bye recovery. You just don't get it all the high paying jobs are gone and there is 1 job for every 6 people looking and you know damn well the employer is not paying what they used to. with 15 million people out of work and close to a 20% unemployment rate it is very demeaning to say oh you can get a job. Well if you have a family and a mortgage Fast food is not going to cut it.</blockquote>
[quote author="OCCOBRA" date=1255974849][quote author="OCCOBRA" date=1255974671][quote author="Nude" date=1255938900]Wow, what a misleading and completely false article. The GOP voted down an amendment requiring different treatment of one kind of contractor compared to others, specifically those who wish to arbitrate sexual abuse/assault/discrimination cases rather than settle them in court. Arbitration does not necessarily mean "cover up", no matter how badly you want it to be so. No one is defending rape or even ignoring it, but they are opposing an unequal standard (which wouldn't stand up in a court challenge anyway, so the point is moot) that a junior Senator tried to introduce. What happened to that poor woman in Iraq was tragic, but as far as I can tell she willingly signed a contract. Al Franken would be better served trying to get those contractors to amend the problem areas with the contracts and voluntarily turning over any evidence to the proper authorities.

As for unemployment benefits... how long shall we subsidize the unemployed when we're so far in debt that their grandchildren will still be paying of the cost of their extended benefits? Wouldn't it simply be easier just to allow special withdrawals from retirement accounts or move them directly to the welfare rolls?</blockquote>

So because of procedure and a bad conract rape is ok! Nice. Arbitration is a cope out and you know it and having people sign it is taking advantage of people especially if they have no choice. The rebublicans are in a tailspin as we are in another great deppression and once again the republicans do not care about the american people and woud save banks, wall street, AIG, Fannia and freddie Mae and FHA is comming rather than give a lifeline to Americans during a deppression. That same jack ass attitude kept them from controling both houses of congress from 1933 to 1995 other than one year in 1947. So i sense the GOP is on another decades long losing streak. Oh, if congress does not continue unemployment benifits 1.3 million people will lose thier benifits by the end of the year and not be spend meaning consumer spending will drop and with 100 to 200 thousand people each month behind them good bye recovery. You just don't get it all the high paying jobs are gone and there is 1 job for every 6 people looking and you know damn well the employer is not paying what they used to. with 15 million people out of work and close to a 20% unemployment rate it is very demeaning to say oh you can get a job. Well if you have a family and a mortgage Fast food is not going to cut it.</blockquote></blockquote>

This is total BS.

1.) Nude never implied that rape was okay under any circumstances.

2.) The woman signed a binding contract stipulating that any claims of sexual assault would be handled in arbitration. Why do democrats have such a problem with legally binding contracts? IF YOU SIGN THE CONTRACT, YOUR ARE LEGALLY LIABLE FOR WHAT IS CONTAINED THEREIN. This is just like the BS of democrats arguing the theory of "predatory lending" in the mortgage industry. The argument of "i was mislead" or "the fine print is too confusing" does not hold water. If you sign the document, you had better understand exactly what it says and what it means. If that means you need to hire lawyer to figure it out, then hire a lawyer. In the end, you are responsible for its contents.

3.) The whole unemployment system is totally out of whack. I know 20 people collecting unemployment benefits who are making NO EFFORT whatsoever to find work. Why should we keep extending these benefits when our nation cannot handle its current debt load??

4.) You mention that arbitration is a cop out and takes advantage of people especially when they have no choice....how did she have no choice??? She was under no obligation to accept employment from them. If the terms of her employment were not acceptable to her, she could have declined the job offer and looked for employment elsewhere.

I am in no way saying that was happened to her is acceptable.

However, to start a thread stating that 30 senators like rape is RIDICULOUS.
[quote author="OCCOBRA" date=1255974671][quote author="Nude" date=1255938900]Wow, what a misleading and completely false article. The GOP voted down an amendment requiring different treatment of one kind of contractor compared to others, specifically those who wish to arbitrate sexual abuse/assault/discrimination cases rather than settle them in court. Arbitration does not necessarily mean "cover up", no matter how badly you want it to be so. No one is defending rape or even ignoring it, but they are opposing an unequal standard (which wouldn't stand up in a court challenge anyway, so the point is moot) that a junior Senator tried to introduce. What happened to that poor woman in Iraq was tragic, but as far as I can tell she willingly signed a contract. Al Franken would be better served trying to get those contractors to amend the problem areas with the contracts and voluntarily turning over any evidence to the proper authorities.

As for unemployment benefits... how long shall we subsidize the unemployed when we're so far in debt that their grandchildren will still be paying of the cost of their extended benefits? Wouldn't it simply be easier just to allow special withdrawals from retirement accounts or move them directly to the welfare rolls?</blockquote>

So because of procedure and a bad conract rape is ok! Nice. Arbitration is a cope out and you know it and having people sign it is taking advantage of people especially if they have no choice. </blockquote>

Absolutely everything is misguided and just <strong>factually incorrect</strong> about your comments. You obviously have no actual experience in this area. Arbitration is a very regulated process and is a means of promoting efficiency. They often come to better results than juries (less likely to be persuaded by emotion, rather than actual facts).

Also, sexual abuse/assult/discrimination in the workplace is not what you think it is. In major corporations, this kind of crap gets filed <em>ALL THE TIME</em>. Does it mean every major corporation is a rape-fest?!!? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

The VAST majority of them are frivolous lawsuits. Even the ones that have <em>some</em> merit revolve around some uptight individual not liking an off-color email forwarded around the office. Defending all of them in the civil courts can be a daunting financial responsibility. The bullshit plaintiffs know this, and aim for a quick settlement in hopes that the corporation won't actually invest the money to [justly] win the frivolous suit.
[quote author="Minimorty" date=1255993618]

2.) The woman signed a binding contract stipulating that any claims of sexual assault would be handled in arbitration. Why do democrats have such a problem with legally binding contracts? IF YOU SIGN THE CONTRACT, YOUR ARE LEGALLY LIABLE FOR WHAT IS CONTAINED THEREIN. This is just like the BS of democrats arguing the theory of "predatory lending" in the mortgage industry. The argument of "i was mislead" or "the fine print is too confusing" does not hold water. If you sign the document, you had better understand exactly what it says and what it means. If that means you need to hire lawyer to figure it out, then hire a lawyer. In the end, you are responsible for its contents.

3.) The whole unemployment system is totally out of whack. I know 20 people collecting unemployment benefits who are making NO EFFORT whatsoever to find work. Why should we keep extending these benefits when our nation cannot handle its current debt load??


Doesn't it become a problem if arbitration becomes <em>mandatory</em>? You are presented with a choice of either taking the job and signing the dotted line or joining the rank of the unemployed. Since you claim that the unemployed don't deserve benefits, you are pretty much forcing them into this job and their arbitration clause.
[quote author="green_cactus" date=1255998185][quote author="Minimorty" date=1255993618]

2.) The woman signed a binding contract stipulating that any claims of sexual assault would be handled in arbitration. Why do democrats have such a problem with legally binding contracts? IF YOU SIGN THE CONTRACT, YOUR ARE LEGALLY LIABLE FOR WHAT IS CONTAINED THEREIN. This is just like the BS of democrats arguing the theory of "predatory lending" in the mortgage industry. The argument of "i was mislead" or "the fine print is too confusing" does not hold water. If you sign the document, you had better understand exactly what it says and what it means. If that means you need to hire lawyer to figure it out, then hire a lawyer. In the end, you are responsible for its contents.

3.) The whole unemployment system is totally out of whack. I know 20 people collecting unemployment benefits who are making NO EFFORT whatsoever to find work. Why should we keep extending these benefits when our nation cannot handle its current debt load??


Doesn't it become a problem if arbitration becomes <em>mandatory</em>? You are presented with a choice of either taking the job and signing the dotted line or joining the rank of the unemployed. Since you claim that the unemployed don't deserve benefits, you are pretty much forcing them into this job and their arbitration clause.</blockquote>

Nobody is forcing anybody. If the terms of employment are not to your liking, find a job elsewhere. You dont have to be unemployed. And I never said the unemployed dont deserve benefits. It just should not last for 3 years.
[quote author="OCCOBRA" date=1255974849]So because of procedure and a bad conract rape is ok! Nice. Arbitration is a cope out and you know it and having people sign it is taking advantage of people especially if they have no choice. The rebublicans are in a tailspin as we are in another great deppression and once again the republicans do not care about the american people and woud save banks, wall street, AIG, Fannia and freddie Mae and FHA is comming rather than give a lifeline to Americans during a deppression. That same jack ass attitude kept them from controling both houses of congress from 1933 to 1995 other than one year in 1947. So i sense the GOP is on another decades long losing streak. Oh, if congress does not continue unemployment benifits 1.3 million people will lose thier benifits by the end of the year and not be spend meaning consumer spending will drop and with 100 to 200 thousand people each month behind them good bye recovery. You just don't get it all the high paying jobs are gone and there is 1 job for every 6 people looking and you know damn well the employer is not paying what they used to. with 15 million people out of work and close to a 20% unemployment rate it is very demeaning to say oh you can get a job. Well if you have a family and a mortgage Fast food is not going to cut it.</blockquote>

I swear, I lost IQ points just trying to comprehend this skreed. Learn to spell, punctuate, and capitalize and maybe your posts won't insult the intelligence of the people you are trying to outrage.
Is this the case where the woman took the job at haliburton, was gang raped by other employees on the company base, and when she quit, returned to the US, and tried to sue, haliburton got it thrown out because she signed the arbitration clause in her 20page long employment contract?
[quote author="freedomCM" date=1256020755]Is this the case where the woman took the job at haliburton, was gang raped by other employees on the company base, and when she quit, returned to the US, and tried to sue, haliburton got it thrown out because she signed the arbitration clause in her 20page long employment contract?</blockquote>

Did this happen? Wow, that's some damned good lawyering! :)
[quote author="freedomCM" date=1256020755]Is this the case where the woman took the job at haliburton, was gang raped by other employees on the company base, and when she quit, returned to the US, and tried to sue, haliburton got it thrown out because she signed the arbitration clause in her 20page long employment contract?</blockquote>

Actually, <a href="http://www.karlbayer.com/blog/?p=5279">Haliburton/KBR failed, twice</a>, to get it thrown out but both the District and 5th Circuit appeals courts refused to compel arbitration. It would be nice if people actually got the facts rather posting random speculation.
[quote author="MojoJD" date=1255995740]Absolutely everything is misguided and just <strong>factually incorrect</strong> about your comments. You obviously have no actual experience in this area. Arbitration is a very regulated process and is a means of promoting efficiency. They often come to better results than juries (less likely to be persuaded by emotion, rather than actual facts).

Also, sexual abuse/assult/discrimination in the workplace is not what you think it is. In major corporations, this kind of crap gets filed <em>ALL THE TIME</em>. Does it mean every major corporation is a rape-fest?!!? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

The VAST majority of them are frivolous lawsuits. Even the ones that have <em>some</em> merit revolve around some uptight individual not liking an off-color email forwarded around the office. Defending all of them in the civil courts can be a daunting financial responsibility. The bullshit plaintiffs know this, and aim for a quick settlement in hopes that the corporation won't actually invest the money to [justly] win the frivolous suit.</blockquote>

Your defense counsel stripes are showing. ;)

If the arbitration process didn't significantly favor the employer over the employee or business over the consumer, you wouldn't see so many companies, doctors, financial services companies, etc. putting arb clauses in their contracts and employee handbooks. While arbitration is somewhat regulated, it is not "heavily" regulated, and courts will often allow the parties to determine the scope of the arbitration. It makes a lot of sense for commercial disputes. Employment and consumer disputes? Not so much.

I am confused why as to why you characterized sexual abuse / assault / discrimination as "crap."
[quote author="EvaLSeraphim" date=1256034204][quote author="MojoJD" date=1255995740]Absolutely everything is misguided and just <strong>factually incorrect</strong> about your comments. You obviously have no actual experience in this area. Arbitration is a very regulated process and is a means of promoting efficiency. They often come to better results than juries (less likely to be persuaded by emotion, rather than actual facts).

Also, sexual abuse/assult/discrimination in the workplace is not what you think it is. In major corporations, this kind of crap gets filed <em>ALL THE TIME</em>. Does it mean every major corporation is a rape-fest?!!? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

The VAST majority of them are frivolous lawsuits. Even the ones that have <em>some</em> merit revolve around some uptight individual not liking an off-color email forwarded around the office. Defending all of them in the civil courts can be a daunting financial responsibility. The bullshit plaintiffs know this, and aim for a quick settlement in hopes that the corporation won't actually invest the money to [justly] win the frivolous suit.</blockquote>

Your defense counsel stripes are showing. ;)

If the arbitration process didn't significantly favor the employer over the employee or business over the consumer, you wouldn't see so many companies, doctors, financial services companies, etc. putting arb clauses in their contracts and employee handbooks. While arbitration is somewhat regulated, it is not "heavily" regulated, and courts will often allow the parties to determine the scope of the arbitration. It makes a lot of sense for commercial disputes. Employment and consumer disputes? Not so much.

I am confused why as to why you characterized sexual abuse / assault / discrimination as "crap."</blockquote>

EvaL -

Please correct me if I am wrong, but does arbitration favor the employer over the employee because most of the lawsuits brought about are frivolous and BS? Also, I would imagine a panel of three judges/lawyers with experience relating to the specific issues and laws at hand would make better decisions, on average, then John Six Pack and Suzy Q in a jury box.

Arbitration may not be perfect for employment disputes, but again, nobody is forcing anybody to work for a company that uses arbitration.
[quote author="Minimorty" date=1256074549]Arbitration may not be perfect for employment disputes, but again, nobody is forcing anybody to work for a company that uses arbitration.</blockquote>

Arbitration is everywhere - sign any consumer contract and most likely you will find a mandatory arbitration clause. I don't know about the rest of you out here, but I have not had a job without mandatory arbitration in my life. It is true that nobody is <em>forcing</em> me to take the job but it is unrealistic to pose it as a true choice.
[quote author="green_cactus" date=1256082281][quote author="Minimorty" date=1256074549]Arbitration may not be perfect for employment disputes, but again, nobody is forcing anybody to work for a company that uses arbitration.</blockquote>

Arbitration is everywhere - sign any consumer contract and most likely you will find a mandatory arbitration clause. I don't know about the rest of you out here, but I have not had a job without mandatory arbitration in my life. It is true that nobody is <em>forcing</em> me to take the job but it is unrealistic to pose it as a true choice.</blockquote>

Nobody is keeping you from learning a skill and going into business for yourself. You always have a choice to accept employment or refuse it.

Also, I am sure there are plenty of companies out there where arbitration is not mandatory.
[quote author="Minimorty" date=1256083010]

Nobody is keeping you from learning a skill and going into business for yourself. </blockquote>

Except for maybe, oh, I dunno, the ability to purchase individual insurance...