2003 Prices or Rollbacks

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<p>Last time I checked, the highest point in Florida is in Disneyworld .</p>

<p>In SoCal you're totally hemmed in by the ocean and the mountains - lots are smaller. The Inland Empire and Modesto, um, aren't.</p>
<p>Nah, there is a 400 foot mountain somewhere to the north. Tallahassee? Jax?</p>

<p>Our house sits tall and proud on a 10 inch hill. Really. we picked it out partly because of that, and it really did help when we had a LOT of rain from one of the 2005 hurricanes. House across the street in a 10 inch valley got flooded.</p>

<p>Like, Oh My God! For sure!</p>

<p>When 'Clueless' came out, all I could think was "I thought the Vals were all extinct - did they resurect them al la Jurrassic Park?"</p>
<strong><img src="http://bp3.blogger.com/_myLEkrGij5A/R4L4ILp7zjI/AAAAAAAABa8/D9o9Ad5rzvQ/s320/av010808.jpg" alt="" />

<a href="http://www.southoctracker.com/2008/01/near-2002-rollback-in-av.html">Almost a 2002 rollback - Aliso Viejo</a>:</strong>

<strong>Asking price: </strong>$299,000

<strong>2002 purchase price:</strong> $277,500

<a href="http://www.redfin.com/stingray/do/printable-listing?listing-id=1376736">Redfin link</a>.
<p>Price reduced to less than 2003 price.</p>

<p>715 North Vine ST

Anaheim, CA 92805 </p>

<p><strong>Price: $307,500</strong></p>

Price Reduced: 08/09/07 -- $519,900 to $505,000

Price Reduced: 09/10/07 -- $505,000 to $489,000

Price Reduced: 12/04/07 -- $489,000 to $449,000

Price Reduced: 01/07/08 -- $449,000 to $307,500

<p>$/Sq. Ft.: $277</p>

<p>Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Sq. Ft.: 1,109

Lot Size: 6,113 sq. ft. </p>

<p>Sale History:</p>

05/18/2007 $400,100

03/23/2006 $565,000

<strong>11/26/2003 $315,000</strong>

<p><img alt="" src="http://i-0.rfimg.us/photo/46/bigphoto/772/P581772_1.jpg" /> </p>

<p><a href="http://www.redfin.com/stingray/do/printable-listing?listing-id=816074">http://www.redfin.com/stingray/do/printable-listing?listing-id=816074</a></p>
<p>13062 Cortina, Tustin Ranch 92782</p>

<p>MLS: S512607</p>

<p>Listing at $849,900</p>

<p>this is a Repo, last purchased in 2004 for 930K. Now selling for less than $300/sq feet. I really like the Tustin Ranch area, except this one backs up to busy street.</p>
<p>Penn, </p>

<p> that home must be HUGE to be under 300psqf and still be in the 800+ range. I'm starting to bid almost 250 where I can and when its appropriate (and still keep to the 130x rent multiplier. Anyways good luck</p>

<p>I posted this one in the Losses Outside of Irvine thread a while back, but it has been reduced twice since then and is now for sale for exactly the 2003 price for a 42% loss.</p>

<p>9282 Pacific AVE

Anaheim, CA 92804</p>

<p><strong>Price: $350,000</strong></p>

<p><strong>$/Sq. Ft.: $215</strong></p>

<p>Beds: 4

Baths: 1.75

Sq. Ft.: 1,630</p>

<p>Sale History:</p>

05/01/2006 $605,000

<strong>07/31/2003 $350,000</strong>

04/16/2001 $230,000

08/07/1998 $165,000

03/01/1991 $192,500

03/09/1989 $185,000

<p><img alt="" src="http://i-0.rfimg.us/photo/46/bigphoto/390/P609390_0.jpg" /> </p>

<p><a href="http://www.redfin.com/stingray/do/printable-listing?listing-id=1280177">http://www.redfin.com/stingray/do/printable-listing?listing-id=1280177</a></p>
<p>Sure makes a 2003 rollback not look quite as appetizing...</p>

<p><a href="http://mortgage.freedomblogging.com/2008/01/25/loan-limits-and-oc-median-home-prices/">http://mortgage.freedomblogging.com/2008/01/25/loan-limits-and-oc-median-home-prices/</a></p>




<th>Avg. median</th>


















































































<a href="http://www.redfin.com/stingray/do/printable-listing?listing-id=1473512">30 Sandbridge,</a> Aliso Viejo

<strong>Asking price:</strong> $650,000

<strong>2005 price:</strong> $949,000

<strong>2003 price:</strong> $675,000

<a href="http://www.southoctracker.com/2008/02/03-rollbackcomp-killer-in-aliso-viejo.html">Link to blog post about this property</a>.
<p>This one is a 29% loss from the 2004 sale price, so I'm going to guess that it's at least at the 2003 price if not earlier. Check out the price per square foot.</p>

<p>1209 West Laster AVE

Anaheim, CA 92802</p>

<p><strong>Price: $390,921</strong></p>

<p><strong>$/Sq. Ft.: $199</strong></p>

<p>Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Sq. Ft.: 1,965

Lot Size: 7,739 Sq. Ft. </p>

<p>Sale History:</p>

Mar 22, 1994 $183,000

<strong>Jul 15, 2004 $550,000 </strong>

<p><img alt="" src="http://i-0.rfimg.us/photo/46/bigphoto/899/S519899_0.jpg" /> </p>

<p><a href="http://www.redfin.com/stingray/do/printable-listing?listing-id=1441655">http://www.redfin.com/stingray/do/printable-listing?listing-id=1441655</a></p>
<p>My goodness. Look at all those high tension wires....yikes. I like the size of the yard though, trees are nice. </p>

<p>Thanks for posting all of these Cayci. </p>