2000 Things to say... plus 1000 more...

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I'm signing off for tonight.... going to practice my handshake with G and A.

<img alt="Humorous Pictures" style="word-spacing: 519133px; font-size: 519133px;" src="http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-cats-in-love-walking.jpg" />
<p>Congratulations, Troop! I always look forward to your posts. Here's a little Onion article for you...</p>

<a href="http://www.theonion.com/content/news/kitchen_floor_conflict_intensifies">Kitchen-Floor Conflict Intensifies As Rival House Cats Claim Same Empty Bag</a>

<img title="Kitchen-Floor Conflict" height="184" alt="Kitchen-Floor Conflict" width="250" src="http://www.theonion.com/content/files/images/Kitchen-Floor-R.article.jpg" />
w00t! Welcome to the 2000 club trooper!

The night I take to have some fun, and I'm not here to celebrate with teaching you the secret handshake.
<p>I thought this </p>

<p><img height="150" width="200" alt="" src="http://img110.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/01/09/assgrabbery2-4940n0i62.jpeg" /></p>

<p>was the secret handshake.</p>
<p><em>caycifish goes off to see how many other people will be reaching 2000 posts soon....</em></p>

<p>That explains why I couldn't get hubby off IHB this morning. He said he had only 221 more comments to make. Now I get it.</p>
<p>Congrats IrvineRenter!!!!</p>

<p>I have learned so very much from you, and have enjoyed all your posts! </p>

<p>Thanks for so many valued contributions!</p>

<p> </p>


<p> </p>
<p>Ut oh, Cayci. Better get to the gym and start doing those lunges. We have another 2K poster.</p>

<p>Congrats, IR. Thanks for all your well-thought out posts. I've learned more from you than I probably would have learned in any college class. You're a great teacher.</p>
<p><strong>Congratulations, IR!</strong> </p>

<p><img alt="" src="http://www.sfkids.org/uploadedImages/iStock_000002717308XSmall(1).jpg" /></p>
IR, I've learned so much from you....but mostly, the value of patience. Your posts solidify my decision to wait....and sometimes I need the reinforcement as I'm chomping at the bit just as much as everyone else is ! Can't wait for the day when this blog is dedicated to where and what we are all buying ! THANKS !
And so here it is. A rather ignominious milestone. Unlike Graph, I have no reminisces, no tales to be told, no nostalgia. About all I have to say is . . . . <em>Damn, how much time am I going to get back once I buy a house?</em>

And for those of you who were always curious about life in the Seraphim household,** I will provide you this brief glimpse:

<img src="http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb27/evalseraphim/assgrab_0001.jpg" alt="" />

**<em>Yeah, I know, there aren't any.</em>
Is that IR once he does finally buy a house? :)

I just want to say that I'm so glad that Eva posts here and I'm looking forward to her next 2,000.
Yay Eva ! I'm so glad you came back after your brief respite from the IHB. You are a wealth of knowledge and have a wicked sense of humor ! Congrats.
It took 227 days for me to post another 1000 things to say. That is 4.4 things to say per day, and 5.5 things to say per hour. Thanks to Panda for taking my call to type this for me, as my hands have severe carpal tunnel syndrome. Lets take a look at some of the highlights since the 2000 mark...

Countryfried essentially failed, and is now owned by Bagholder of America.

We have had 8 bank failures, including the now infamous IndyCrap. Once the Olympics are over the FDIC will probably swoop in on Downey, First Fed, and Vineyard Bank before I hit another 1000.

Bear Sterns blew up, and JP Morgan got a very nice piece of commercial RE out of it.

There have been about 17,000 NODs, and 7000 foreclosures. That is worse than I could have imagined, it took 2000 things to say to hit numbers like that, and this time it is even higher.

Panda has asked 452 questions, with only two that make any sense. J/K Panda, more than 2 have made sense.

Ipoplaya has gone from a raging bull, to growling and renting bear. With a chunk of cash.

IrvineRealtor has proven that thick skin, good staging, awesome pictures, correct spelling and gammar, and professional skills go a long way and he has impressed many IHBers with them. He has also made some fantastically snarky comments, and posted some great youtube vids.

The question of do you own the land in Irvine has only come up once, and what are mello roos has come up twice.

I have posted the search button .jpg 54 times.

Oil soared to over $100 a barrel, many thought Profette was nuts with that call for the new year. Awesome call Profette!

I have informed many here to not make deformed_incisions.

It has been fun here at IHB, and I look forward to posting another 1000 things, and reading thousands more from all the great posts from the IHBers. I keep coming back here because of you, otherwise I would just be ranting into a black hole called Lansner's blog.