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This yellow fever idiot has a lot of time spewing hatred at a specific group of immigrants, making fun of their looks with that picture of a poor Asian oldman. He/she probably a lowlife real estate agent making $20K/year. Your jealousy will not get you to the top 1% for sure! Now get a real job will ya lol.
jamboreedude said:
Your jealousy will not get you to the top 1% for sure!

Being in the top 1% of wealth/income = being in the top 1% of life satisfaction and living a righteous life, right?  I know you're just trying to insult YF with that comment, but this type of thinking... 

Anyway, as much as someone might disagree with YF's opinion, he has the right to say it.  I suppose that works both ways too, so if you think he's a crappy person I guess you get to say that too.  But making ad hominem attacks towards him simply adds fuel to the fire and doesn't debunk his argument.

Let's all get back to that hedonic treadmill ya?  We're all just a few posts away from really killin it and getting into that 1% status club.  Man life is going to be so great when we're there.  We'll just buy all our problems away and live in positive cash flow paradise.
someguy said:
Let's all get back to that hedonic treadmill ya?  We're all just a few posts away from really killin it and getting into that 1% status club.  Man life is going to be so great when we're there.  We'll just buy all our problems away and live in positive cash flow paradise.

I think there's some irony in this too if you're looking from a diff perspective.

Most of the people on the board, if they live in Irvine presumably have a ~100k income household. which place into the top 20th percentile in the US.

typical professional with dual income = 200k+ household, which places you in the top 5% of household income in the united states.

for everyone else in the rest of the country, we are as "rich" as the 1% to them.

even though there's a huge gap starting around the 300k mark. to the million per year etc., to the eventual funny money amounts.
What is this disgusting AmeriKKKa thread?  Chinese like to eat babies and nonasians can do no wrong.  LOL if you think non-asians are the only ones without any dirty history.  Wake up, there are bad people of all races.  Sick of freaking racism trying to categorize everybody as beneath them based on race.  You probably see me walking down the street and assume I'm Chinese as well.  All asians look alike right?

Please put the KKK in the thread title so I know not to enter next time.  I guess everybody on talkirvine hate asians so much, funny that you all picked the wrong city to choose to live in.
jcm949 said:
What is this disgusting AmeriKKKa thread?  Chinese like to eat babies and nonasians can do no wrong.  LOL if you think non-asians are the only ones without any dirty history.  Wake up, there are bad people of all races.  Sick of freaking racism trying to categorize everybody as beneath them based on race.  You probably see me walking down the street and assume I'm Chinese as well.  All asians look alike right?

Please put the KKK in the thread title so I know not to enter next time.  I guess everybody on talkirvine hate asians so much, funny that you all picked the wrong city to choose to live in.

If you haven't noticed there is no filter on Talk Irvine.

In regards to your comments regarding being racist I don't see what you are talking about. I believe there is nothing wrong talking about the following China scandals: tainted pet food, tainted chocolate, tainted baby formula, and construction materials issue. (If you don't believe it type those topics in google)

capboba said:
typical professional with dual income = 200k+ household, which places you in the top 5% of household income in the united states.

So since most of the people I know are in this category and I'm sure if you've bought an SFR in Irvine in the last 5 years, you have to be close to this... shouldn't that 5% be higher?
jamboreedude said:
This yellow fever idiot has a lot of time spewing hatred at a specific group of immigrants,

Don't worry, he's very much equal-opportunity. He dislikes all people in general.

So, you still purchased in Eastwood even AFTER reading the disclosures YF? There is a detailed paragraph about the Landfill and how it will be visible from EW as it fills, the cell tower and SCE substation across Portola.  That's triple cancer!!!  :o