Search results

  1. H

    Which one is the better direction for the house with respect to the sun

    I picked an orientation that gets lots of bright light during the day into the great room and enjoy it but one thing you might want to consider is your TV placement and how the sunlight might affect glare.  If you only watch TV during the evening you wont care but if daytime TV on the weekends...
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    Awful Experience at Colibri, Portola Springs

  3. H

    Dining out in Hong Kong

    You gotta try the Australian Dairy Company in HK.  Never thought scrambled eggs could taste so good.
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    The Positives

    Places are easy to rent out if you ever need to
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    Stone Gate Santa Clara, Plan 2

    It's also worth noting that usually for new units they don't like to discount the purchase price, but rather tack on incentives like design center/closing cost credit.  A year or two ago when the market sucked these were the kinds of things you could negotiate for, not a straight up discount in...
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Looks like a carriage unit... garage on 1st floor and entire living area on 2nd floor.
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    Bowerman landfill trash may "burn" one day?

    I work in the waste/recycling industry and landfills and waste facilities are so ridiculously regulated nowadays (especially in California) that I wouldn't worry about AQ/odor issues as far as Portola/Stonegate goes.  The only noticeable evidence of the landfill is the trucks going by...
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    New Home v. Old Home

    Just want to drop my 2c.  I bought one of the last phases in Esplanade and was told repeatedly that the waiting list is super long etc etc but while the waiting list is long the list of serious qualified buyers is not that long.  For example I might have been on the waiting list in many new...
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    Cypress Village Homes

    Plan3 at Magnolia had my favorite great room area.  Really open and was pretty neat how you would open up the sliding doors all the way across. 
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

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    Thai Cafe (Irvine)

    Thai boat noodles... so delicious and cheap!  hope everyone visit Thailand to try them.  But just a word of warning... it will ruin Thai food for you that you get in Socal :(
  12. H

    Irvine back to 2000 prices?

    It's also to note that many wealthy Chinese are making plans to leave the country; they've already made their money and have no intention of getting jailed/caught doing whatever activities it is they were doing to make that much money in the first place.  A lot of them will end up in SoCal and...
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    Why Do the Chinese Love Irvine?

    As a US Citizen I welcome with open arms all of the Chinese Nationals that make their way to our side of the pond.  First of all most of them are only visiting (not buying houses) and the ones that can get Visa's tend to be the wealthier Chinese.  These are the kind of Chinese that come and...
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    Why Do the Chinese Love Irvine?

    My work requires me to constantly stay in contact with well-to-do businessmen in China and what you're saying is entirely true.  There are certain cities like Irvine that have a reputation among the wealthy in China.  It's not uncommon for me to meet people that want to invest in Irvine but have...
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    Buying new home with a broker versus on your own

    Seconded the recommendation for USCTrojan.  I'm sure he will be more than fair in sharing the broker co-op and he is immensely helpful in answering any questions you may have and has a ton of experience.
  16. H

    Millionaires Flee China, buys homes in USA

    While in Irvine it definitely seems like mostly Asian (cough chinese) FCB this isn't something that's specific to Irvine or Chinese people for that matter. Affluent people around the world are always looking for safe...
  17. H

    Central Park West thoughts?

    I went by here to check these out.  It's mostly top floor units left and one of the first things that struck me was that the top floor units don't have any kind of roof/cover from the elevator to their front doors.  As if the parking lot setup wasn't annoying enough to begin with.  When it rains...
  18. H

    New Construction Homes Sites near Irvine

    Some new construction in FV, Condo's and SFR's Location is right next to 405 though.