Search results

  1. K

    Work in office or remote?

    My company went almost the full circle. From  full remote -> hybrid -> management pushing everyone back into the office -> huge pushback from employees -> back to hybrid -> now 90% remote I think remote is here to stay for the foreseeable future.
  2. K

    Looking for a Polestar 2 owner

    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll forward it to my friend. Yes, you can show up just to look. I will message you the info once everything is confirmed. I imagine there will be a small crowd. I'm not sure why EV6 isn't on the list. l will ask
  3. K


    Wouldn't be that big of an issue if 64% of Americans weren't already living paycheck to paycheck.
  4. K


    The focus of most talks seem off to me. Anyone ever stop to think maybe the problem isn't gas prices going up 75 cents, but the fact that 75 cents is making so many people broke?
  5. K


    You severely underestimated the allure of the 4% cashback  ;)
  6. K

    Housing Analysis

    I see the time honored TI tradition of dunking on LiarLoan is alive and well >:D Actually think it's great to have LL's perspective. I get that contrarian opinions are disliked but they are often necessary.
  7. K

    Looking for a Polestar 2 owner

    A friend of mine is a part time Youtuber and she's hosting and filming a test drive of EVs. She's looking for a polestar 2 owning who is willing to share his/her car for a test drive. You don't have to show your face or be filmed unless you want to. You will get to test drive other EVs. We...
  8. K

    Bezos? remark about Amazon prompted a backlash over his vast wealth

    The criticisms of Bezos and the Reagan quote are quite revealing about our modern era One side is blind to the fruits of the space progress due to the zeal to eliminate billionaires. The other side still believes in the myth of trickle down Reganomics.
  9. K

    Florida Building Collapse

    159 missing & 4 are confirmed dead. Imagine how much more coverage this would get if it were the result of a terror attack instead of the government failing to regulate. The conflation of all government regulations with ?red tape? is an insane tendency that needs to be reversed.
  10. K

    Work situation?

    Sure, but people do get to decide ultimately. Not trying to nitpick, but people are invoking their ultimate choice by quitting as IHO pointed out in his original post / question. And I get people's frustration with the teachers union in particular. In NYC, the teachers received priority in...
  11. K

    Work situation?

    We went from no remote work prior to COVID to full remote during COVID. Briefly went back to hybrid at the beginning of this year, but it was not very well liked by most. One person on my team quit because of this. Now full remote option is back on. I still need to show up in person for an...
  12. K

    Any TI Residents looking to move out of state?

    We're close to pulling the trigger on moving to South Maui. There are very few places in the US that are more suitable and friendly for East Asians than Irvine. Maui is on par with Irvine in that regard. And better for those who still have ties and need to travel to Asia. My parents bought a...
  13. K

    Tax the rich

    @NSR While I agree with some of your points, I'm not hearing a compelling case of why not. (for VAT) The wealth tax was ditched because of the mechanism is too easy to game for the wealthy. Like property tax, the taxing mechanism for wealth tax rely on properly assessing "value". It's extremely...
  14. K

    Tax the rich

    With all due respect, No It's mind boggling to me why we don't simply follow what has worked in every other developed country and adopt a VAT. It's proven to work and is an efficient way to tax. Why keep trying to invent the wheel?
  15. K

    Tax the rich

    That's unfortunately a manufactured talking point by the left in the US. In theory, a flat and untailored VAT can be regressive. But almost no country does that. I asked this of all my friends on the left and never got any good answers - If the VAT is so regressive, then why do all the...
  16. K

    Look Ma! Business solves worker shortage

    So what? The measure of a healthy economy is not the availability of a limitless supply of people willing to work for $2.13 an hour plus tips.
  17. K

    Tax the rich

    I'm not for the wealth tax because it's an inefficient way to tax. More importantly, the wealth tax was already tried in European countries and ended up getting repealed. (primarily due to inability to generate anywhere close to the projected revenue) But, I understand the people's desire for...
  18. K

    Tax the rich

    The answer is VAT, a consumption tax. It's kind of wild that the US has not figured this out. Every other developed country in the world already figured this out. USA is the only developed country in the world without a Value Added Tax. With a VAT in place, companies like Amazon has to pay a...
  19. K

    Foreign buyers still active?

    Not someone in the industry. But I think the overall stat tells a compelling story regarding FCBs. According to the NAR, foreign investments lifted home prices in select U.S. markets, have declined in the last three years. Foreign inflows had been steadily increasing from $66 billion in...
  20. K

    Asian American Violence

    I think it's obvious that the Boston Globe's spin on this is in support of their left leaning narrative. We're in agreement here. But I disagree with this being "very favorable results" , certainly not as an Asian American. Do you honestly expect AAs to view "54% of Republicans are aware of...