It doesn't even have to be gimmicky. Just a pleasant place to hang out on a nice day. To be able to sit and people watch. Let the kids run around. Walk a bit. Like the Grove (before it got way too trendy and crowded or the Americana.
I'm guessing they don't remember the comment because there is nothing memorable about it. People talk like that all the time including democrats.
As for " imbalance in our current immigration system, which does not protect American workers" Trump needs to stick his wallet where his mouth is...
This could explain it:
Inside Alabama?s Auto Jobs Boom: Cheap Wages, Little Training, Crushed Limbs
The South?s manufacturing renaissance comes with a heavy price.
This is from RT, so I don't know how credible it is. They did, however help get Trump elected so maybe they know more than I give them credit
Then there is this from the NY Times...
Not sure exactly. Just read on Twitter that now is a good time to buy depressed real estate
Sort of off topic, but I was reading about a new law in Philadelphia that was aimed at getting (mostly south asian) shopkeepers out of business
Soon those crappy univ of penn neighborhoods are going to be gentrified
Buy now or forever hold your peace.
Not everyone who supports Trump is white
Some are green - with envy and dollar signs
(Or it could be - paraphrasing the good judge - yellow mixing with blue)
Serious questio:
Are people excited about this because they think little rocketman is about to launch an attack to end the world and now the evangelicals will be saved?
Yeah, years ago people used coloreds, spics, kikes, wops, mics. So it's perfectly acceptable to use those terms now. And of course, it's always the tolerant lefties using such vocabulary.
That makes me feel better. Before the overdevelopment there were maybe 5 violent crimes a year*. Now that that population has quadrupled there are 20. But statistically speaking, crime levels are the same. Just avoid the overcrowded areas. But you should still be fine because statistically...
Wow. Fascinating
I also have a lot of self-handwritten notes in my freshman yearbook.
Apparently I have always been loco.
One day I will have to dig through the garage of my childhood home to find my jr high yearbook. I am certain I will find signatures of (possibly perverted if they ever...
How many housing related jobs are going to be lost with the low real estate turn over?
Construction/contractor related, mortgage/loan, real estate agents, home design/furnishing and a dozen more industries that are reliant on a strong real estate market.