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  1. L

    What have YOU done for the community lately?

    I consider it being nice, but I think I read on this forum that I was practicing improper etiquette. When traffic is backed up on Culver and Jeffrey, I allow room between my car and the car in front of me so people can turn in and out of shopping centers. Do I get a medal?
  2. L

    How much does it cost to go to the doctor

    if you don't have insurance? no tests. Just ten minutes of their time to glance at you and say everything is fine?
  3. L

    Homeless camps coming to Irvine The homeless Disney worker who died alone in her car became the face of a public debate, but all she wanted was privacy For seven...
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    Orange County Great Park: Sports park, water park, ice rink, golf course

    I have nothing against GP, but I just can't imagine that the land actually got cleaned up. I don't exactly trust the government. I would have preferred an airport. Since that was never going to happen, an actual Great Park would have been nice. Not more million dollar houses that the average...
  5. L

    Orange County Great Park: Sports park, water park, ice rink, golf course

    That's some forward thimking and quite considerate! When you develop cancer after living on toxic land, you won't have to go far for treatment.
  6. L

    Bus Stop Changed to GP! Free Shuttle Sign up! "No Tent City in Irvine" Petition

    i have already arranged for 1000 of my favorite homeless friends living at the end of the Union Station line to take a sponsered Metrolink south. Thank You Mrs Butt. I couldn't have envisioned this without your motivation. next stop your hood
  7. L

    What the "Dow" is happening?

    Not to worry. I heard on NPR Japan is already hard at work developing robots to solve the elder care dilemma.
  8. L

    Homeless camps coming to Irvine

    Irvine already has tons of vacant FCB housing. They should round up the homeless and encourage them to squat in the new developments. That's what people were doing in Newport Coast after the banks took away people's houses and let them sit empty. When is trump going to impose a tariff on...
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    Toyota moving to Texas

    Are these the same people who bitch about high crime and too many potholes?
  10. L

    President Trump

    Hispanics and Middle Easterners are white according to the census. so that means 25% will be black and Asian
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    President Trump

    I doubt many dreamers will be deported unless the economy suddenly tanks. They will just go back to working under the table or stealing dead people's social security numbers, working jobs they're overqualified for, not paying taxes, contributing way less to the economy than they could be doing...
  12. L

    Chinese people being Chinese... what would YOU do?

    yeah, I am embarrassed to admit my mom said she used to do that to get a close place near Nordstroms at SCP. I actually think the guy in the car was worse if he was holding up traffic. I think if that happened here someone would have pulled out a gun or had some kind of roadrage incident.
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    United States vs. ?

    sorry I wrote this too soon. They changed their mind again
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    United States vs. ?

    Trump to end key ACA subsidies, a move that will threaten the law?s marketplaces President Trump is throwing a bomb into the insurance marketplaces created under the Affordable Care Act, choosing to end critical payments to health insurers that help millions of lower- ?income Americans afford...
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    United States vs. ?

    Sarah Sanders is already walking back promises of a meeting between Trump and North Korea "regime must first undertake unspecified ?concrete and verifiable actions.? "We?re not going to have this meeting take place until we see concrete actions that match the words and the rhetoric of North...
  16. L

    United States vs. ?

    I heard on the radio yesterday ACA premiums in CA are going up 30% next two years and will double in other states. Trump and the Republicans promised repeal and replace. All they've done is make a bad law worse...
  17. L

    Can Irvine become too Asian?

    If i can sell my home for 88,888 more than it's worth, then Irvine can never be too Asian.
  18. L

    President Trump

    Are you serious? Trump uses the same bls number that has always been reported. Either it is and always was fake or it's not. It sounds like you need to take a long media free vacation to clear your head and get back to rational thinking.