Search results

  1. L

    When would be next housing Bottom?

    seems like a lot more rentals on the market and median rent price going down
  2. L

    Housing Analysis

    will this have any impact in Irvine
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    The 2020 Presidential Election

    Florida Hispanics aka Cubans usually vote Republican anyway, but Florida will probably go Democrat if they really allow felons to vote this time. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were always suspicious wins. I suspect there was voter fraud involved. It would be ironic if the hackers removed...
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    Inmate riot erupts at two barracks within the James A. Musick facility

    My favorite Nextdoor suspicious person post was of an Asian teenage boy going door to door with somerhing in his hand. Turned out he lived a block away and was raising money for the high school band.
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    President Trump

    Florida is the fastest growing state in the nation, while New York is the fastest shrinking, followed by Illinois.  Why, oh why could that be?? Baby boomers retiring?
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    Blip or bubble? Irvine, Tustin home sales tumbles 13%

    I suppose it depends on your definition of seasonal. Chinese home buying season may be coming to an end "August-to-November sales: 1,940 vs. 2,235 a year earlier. Homebuying in Irvine and Tustin fell 13 percent from August through November vs. the same period in 2017 amid a steep countywide...
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    President Trump

    Why do you think that is? Where does this intense dislike of Trump come? Is there any reason why so many people don't like him?
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    President Trump

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    Lifetime sued for using Irvine family portrait in movie without permission

    Allah's portrait was used in a Christmas movie?
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    What the "Dow" is happening?

    That SSO isn't looking so good this morning. I blame the Fed and Obama.
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    OC Elementary School

    I could be wrong, but I don't think any of those schools will help a child to appreciate humility. That's usually a parent's job.  If you can afford any of those neighborhoods, you might want to consider private schools.
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    Chinese people being Chinese... what would YOU do?

    I think running people over in parking lots IS local Irvine culture and has little to do with people from other countries. It's an entitled generational me first mentality that comes from the all American "time is money" cliche. People don't have enough time, feel rushed and crowded and think...
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    The Investigation

    About a decade ago I bought one of those proshares ultra short funds on the advice from members on a doom and gloom forum. Thankfully, I didn't have much to gamble with, but needless to say I learned my lesson.
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    The Investigation

    This sounds like it's going to be a big fat delicious juicy burger
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    The Investigation

    No. Supposedly the Russian NRA spy woman who is going to plead guilty is giving up Jr. A lot of NRA campaign contributions to Republican candidates came from Russia.
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    Police arrest Irvine woman in slaying of mother, 92

    MY CHANCES OF BECOMING A VICTIM OF A VIOLENT CRIME 1 IN 1,529 in Irvine 1 IN 225 in California
  17. L

    When would be next housing Bottom?

    What cities outside of California would you recommend?
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    Which parts of Irvine are least fire-prone

    I was surprised at where the houses burned in Santa Rosa. With high winds, sandwiched houses and eucalyptus tress, I don't think any place is completely safe. I would look for newer homes built with the most up-to-date fire codes.
  19. L

    Mimi Walters - CA45 Rep missing in action?

    From AP: BREAKING: Democrat Katie Porter wins election to U.S. House in California's 45th congressional district. #APracecall at 5:33 p.m. PST. @AP election coverage: #CAelection