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    Tech Shopping deals...

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    Tech Shopping deals...

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    Actually, it is a text-book definition of a strawman argument. You are misrepresenting your opponents position by restating it or oversimplifying it in a way that situates your argument in a position of undue advantage. Please see the included hyperlink over "straw man" in the original post...
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    Finally, a close-to-market solar innovation

    not only that, think of the space efficiency - you dont just lay down a few panels. Every square inch is covered.
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    Freeway Hazards

    about a year ago my wife and I were coming home around 10:00pm from laguna. Right as we got through the canyon and were merging onto the 133, the car in front of me was doing all of 60mph on a WIDE open freeway (70 year olds!). So I begin to speed up to my customary cruising 70mph and passed...
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    Finally, a close-to-market solar innovation

    <strong><a href="">Solar shingles</a> </strong> Brilliant idea. :)
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    Windows Font Viewer and Printer

    please explain more, are you referring to the default font in Vista? the Segoe line?
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    Toyota/Lexus Recall

    Yeah, not so sure it was the mats. If you have time to call 911 and start talking, you're likely trying a number of things at that point. If I could not shift into N, then R and P would be my next choices. If not then, I would surely be reaching under the gas pedal and yanking upward. Beyond...