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  1. M

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Believe that is Lennar?s Roundtree. Irvine housing blogs review of it:
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    Cadence Park - Great Park

    Lennar SFR opening was dead. They had free activities e.g. mother's day bouquet, face painting, popsicles, coffee, kid's crafts, cookies but no lines. Models were nice, +1 on Crescendo 1 and Capella 1.
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    The red color is an IR lamp, for keeping food warm with the burners off. I didn't know these existed until recently.
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    Colon Cancer Treatment

    Regardless of where you initially go, get a second opinion for major treatment decisions e.g surgery, chemo, XRT.
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    What do your neighbors do for a living?

    Hah yeah. Upside is less cars so feels less dense.
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    What do your neighbors do for a living?

    On our street: 1. owns own business, works part time from home 2. FCB - dad works in china. mom and daughter live here. They don't work. 3. empty house - investor 4. empty house - investor 5. FCB - comes for several days to visit. has come maybe 3 times last year 6. FCB - said they bought for...
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Does the expanded dining increase the plan 1 sq footage to 1800?  Gust mentions it but Decker doesn't.
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    $2M Home

    Small grove > Prairie > Seclusion > Radial
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    Save the Memorial Park! Vote No on Measure B ballot June 5th

    Didn't Porsche club of OC have a meet last year: Somebody posted about it.
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    Save the Memorial Park! Vote No on Measure B ballot June 5th

    Was two PRC kids and one Taiwanese kid, so I guess PRC won?  J/k, they weren't belligerent. I stopped going to these playgrounds because they're either empty or my kids can't communicate with the kids playing there.
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    Save the Memorial Park! Vote No on Measure B ballot June 5th

    Going to vote yes on B. Get it over with so vets get a cemetery.
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    Save the Memorial Park! Vote No on Measure B ballot June 5th

    Eastwood = FCB. So is Stonegate. I watched 3 little kids at a SG playground arguing who was better, China or Taiwan.
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Probably a flip. Sterling plan 3 started at 689k. If they get asking price, fast money.
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    Homeless camps coming to Irvine

    Not going to help the homeless supporters:
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    $90 more HOA/month for the Primrose versus Delano. But factor in higher mello (4762 vs 3019), around extra 145/month so Primrose will cost you $235 more per month. You get better amenities, IMO better community layout. But ouch.
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    218 homes to be built this summer on the old Tustin Marine base

    when do they start ranking new high schools?  4 years after they open?
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    Legado at Portola Springs III

    Aurora and Solstice in Altair are condo's with driveways.  Welton and Melody in Beacon Park were condos and all had driveways. Resales pop up here/there. There are some previous condo developments where a few of the lots had driveways e.g. Harper and Elwood in Beacon park. I'm pretty sure...
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    SFH but on a slightly larger motorcourt setup.
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    Homeless Vets (and Women) Facility Adjacent to Altair

    Isn't there a wildlife corridor running right through this spot?  Is this going to be a royal rumble between conservationists vs. homeless activists vs. veteran supporters vs. women advocates vs. Irvinites?