Believe that is Lennar?s Roundtree.
Irvine housing blogs review of it:
Lennar SFR opening was dead. They had free activities e.g. mother's day bouquet, face painting, popsicles, coffee, kid's crafts, cookies but no lines.
Models were nice, +1 on Crescendo 1 and Capella 1.
On our street:
1. owns own business, works part time from home
2. FCB - dad works in china. mom and daughter live here. They don't work.
3. empty house - investor
4. empty house - investor
5. FCB - comes for several days to visit. has come maybe 3 times last year
6. FCB - said they bought for...
Didn't Porsche club of OC have a meet last year:
Somebody posted about it.
Was two PRC kids and one Taiwanese kid, so I guess PRC won? J/k, they weren't belligerent. I stopped going to these playgrounds because they're either empty or my kids can't communicate with the kids playing there.
$90 more HOA/month for the Primrose versus Delano. But factor in higher mello (4762 vs 3019), around extra 145/month so Primrose will cost you $235 more per month.
You get better amenities, IMO better community layout. But ouch.
Aurora and Solstice in Altair are condo's with driveways.
Welton and Melody in Beacon Park were condos and all had driveways. Resales pop up here/there.
There are some previous condo developments where a few of the lots had driveways e.g. Harper and Elwood in Beacon park.
I'm pretty sure...
Isn't there a wildlife corridor running right through this spot? Is this going to be a royal rumble between conservationists vs. homeless activists vs. veteran supporters vs. women advocates vs. Irvinites?