Search results

  1. nilam_IHB

    5.5 mile hike at Crystal Cove State Park (Sunday 6/7 - 6:15am)

    Yep, hike was nice, company was nice and weather was very nice! The views were outstanding this morning and we couldn't have asked for a better hiking day. When we got there, it wasn't so crowded but we definitely saw a lot more people on the way down who were getting started when we were...
  2. nilam_IHB

    The Cryptic Canvas

    Walk the line Pi Green Mile
  3. nilam_IHB

    25 Things About You

    1. I like the desert. I think I may have been a cactus in a former life - my husband says I don't drink enough water 2. Bad grammar irks me; in particular, misuse of to, there, and apostrophes are at the top of the list 3. I am one of the few people at my company who doesn't have a pet...
  4. nilam_IHB

    Your IHB log in habit is giving your identity away.

    Bk, I find it so interesting that you launch little projects like this just out of your own curiosity (I'm hoping that it's your own curiosity...:)). At first I thought it was a little scary but actually if you're just doing it out of your own interest, that's kinda neat. I do what some of the...
  5. nilam_IHB

    IHB Rice thread

    My mom, who makes rice with homemade indian food (every night) uses the basmati rice from costco. I try to use brown rice so I've been using basmati brown rice from Trader Joe's. It's not great but gets the job done.
  6. nilam_IHB

    Sushi in Irvine

  7. nilam_IHB

    Retail closures in Irvine

    Some of the prices seemed lower to me...yesterday I was at the Campus Albertsons and scored some shredded cheese for about $1.87. Usually I pay around $2.50 for the same item when it's on sale.
  8. nilam_IHB

    Have you read any good books lately?

    I read A Fine Balance years ago and thought it was good but I didn't LOVE it like so many others I've spoken to. I'm from Indian descent and a lot of what I read was painful and gave me some insight into to life in a poverty stricken country but I just didn't enjoy it like my friends seemed to.
  9. nilam_IHB

    Have you read any good books lately?

    I just finished <a href="">The Glass Castle</a>. It was a good read; it sucked me in pretty quickly and I finished the book within a week (I'm not a particularly...
  10. nilam_IHB

    Spouse Appreciation

    My husband deals with my myriad of character flaws, is smart, has proven to me over and over again that I come first (above all others), is golden hearted, makes me laugh and plans adventures for us. I find his curiosity amazingly interesting. He's amazing and I'm a really lucky girl. Right...
  11. nilam_IHB

    Swine Flu Masks - Who here wears them?

    ^^Cayci, you are WAY too cute to cover up your face with a Darth Vader mask..Graph, on the other hand....;) Just kidding - you really are a lovely couple.
  12. nilam_IHB

    Do you read the blog?

    Blog? What blog? Irvinehousingblog has a blog???? ;-P
  13. nilam_IHB

    How did you hear about IHB?

    Thanks for posting this poll, SoCal...I've been curious about this for a long time. I heard about IHB from my husband :)
  14. nilam_IHB

    Say bye to Mother?s Circus Cookies

    This made my day. I'm supposed to be cutting back on the junk food but I might just have to make an exception.
  15. nilam_IHB

    Thread to increase your post count!

    O.M.G.! I guess I'm thankful that this wasn't a series of polls but wow, sure do a lot of wondering. While I know you're not Panda, you MUST be related. Maybe you should change your name to Polar or Brown Bear. By the way, RC, are you going to answer your own...
  16. nilam_IHB

    What is the cheapest way to go to LAX from Irvine?

    You might want to check this thread - <a href=""></a>
  17. nilam_IHB

    Hotels in Palm Springs

    I enjoyed my stay at <a href="">The Westin Rancho Mirage</a>. It was beautiful and very relaxing.
  18. nilam_IHB

    Foreclosure and Property Taxes Part Deux (Spanish for Two)

    I have no answer for you but I thought your title was funny.