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  1. nilam_IHB

    Inside the White House

    I was confused by that too...
  2. nilam_IHB

    Is there a private school this good?

    This debate is one that is always intriguing to me...I've only attended public schools (grammar, hs, college, and grad school). My brother and I grew up in the same household, with the same parental influence, and the sameschools until we reached high school. He went to a private high school...
  3. nilam_IHB

    Best Vac cleaner

    I'm bringing this post back to life because I just bought a handheld vac and was so impressed (surprisingly! Who knew a little vac would be bring me such joy - my 16 year old self would be horrified) that I had to share. I got a <a...
  4. nilam_IHB

    Did you listen to the conference call?

    Sorry for yet another thread on this... I don't know if TIC would share it with us but I'm curious how many people listened in on the call...IR, do you know??? Thanks to IR and Mr. Young for providing this opportunity to hear from The Irvine Company directly!
  5. nilam_IHB

    What do you want to ask the Irvine Company?

    I thought he did a good job. I liked that he gave a timeline for the PS, OH, and Laguna Crossing communities and I have to say that I agree with him on the walking trail thing. I was kinda shocked that someone would think that the walking trails suck here because they're actually quite nice...
  6. nilam_IHB

    The Wedge

    I heard something crazy like Newport lifeguards made over 400 rescues this weekend??? That sounds insane!
  7. nilam_IHB

    I think all weddings should begin this way..

    You just can't help but feel happy for them; it makes me teary eyed thinking about a young couple getting married and starting their lives together - bringing hopes and dreams with them to the altar. All weddings should be this outwardly joyous!
  8. nilam_IHB

    Share your recipes with IHB

    ^^That sounds awesome. I think I'm going to try it sometime next week. Thanks!
  9. nilam_IHB

    Recession buster: Take the $5 Irvine Lunch challenge!

    The Brea location (actually maybe it's the Yorba Linda location) at the corner of Imperial and Rose has the $5 deal. The bowl is much smaller but it's a good portion size for me. I think it's at every location because it's on their website.
  10. nilam_IHB

    Get Well, Peter. (Add your message here.)

    Peter, Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope your recovery is quick - we're thinking of you. Get well soon!
  11. nilam_IHB

    What's playing in your car?

    BK, this little thread should be a demographic mini-goldmine for you!
  12. nilam_IHB

    What's playing in your car?

    In the mornings I still like Kevin & Bean on KROQ but that's pretty much the only time I listed to KROQ. For me in general, 93.1 JACK fm is the best station to listen to - they play a lot of music that I love. I used to like listening to Heidi, Frostee and Frank on 97.1 at lunch but since...
  13. nilam_IHB

    Collegiate Slogans

    University of Arizona: <a href="">Bear Down</a>