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  1. SoCal78_IHB

    Casa California Showcase House In Shady Canyon - Tours Run Until Nov. 8

    Bk: Do you remember if photography is prohibited on this house tour?
  2. SoCal78_IHB

    Casa California Showcase House In Shady Canyon - Tours Run Until Nov. 8

    Paging Bk: Did you see this place already? Thoughts?
  3. SoCal78_IHB

    Casa California Showcase House In Shady Canyon - Tours Run Until Nov. 8

    <a href=""><strong>Casa California</strong></a> A design house of distinction in Shady Canyon "Casa California, a Design House of Distinction, presented by California Homes Magazine in partnership with the Philharmonic Society...
  4. SoCal78_IHB

    Tustin REO Asking $193/sqft.

    I'm only posting this because I don't see this everyday. <a href="">18261 Alexandra Pl., Tustin.</a> Now, let's see what it ends up closing for. I'm not too familiar with the comps other than what's listed on Redfin. Anyone...
  5. SoCal78_IHB

    Where and when on the Irvine Ranch was this photo taken #27

    ^ Ah, TIC's first attempt at detached-condo prototypes.
  6. SoCal78_IHB

    Dining Deals

    <strong>Ruby's Diner</strong> <a href="">Free <span style="color: orange;"><strong>Pumpkin Shake </strong></span>with the purchase of an entree</a> - expires 11/30
  7. SoCal78_IHB

    Things you will never hear

    This thread is cracking me up. More, more! :-)
  8. SoCal78_IHB

    H1N1 vaccine

    In 1918 we didn't have the selection of antibiotics to fight off secondary infections from being sick like we do today. (I'm not a doctor but I believe it could be the flu-induced pneumonia that would be a culprit, not the flu itself.) We also didn't have Tamiflu then, although it doesn't work...
  9. SoCal78_IHB

    Internet Access Problems

    Tmare - If you would like me to dispatch the "nerd herd" for a courtesy call to your home to take a look, send me a PM to arrange a day and time.
  10. SoCal78_IHB

    H1N1 vaccine

    Panda, (I watched all your video clips)...I read in the L.A. Times and on the Nat'l Vaccine Info Center site that the nasal spray and single-dose injection do not contain Thimerisol; it's only the multi-dose injections that do. I'm not saying she should or should not get the vaccine but that's...
  11. SoCal78_IHB

    How Realtors should advertise.

    This, Soylent? <object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>